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Karsan Maintained Strong Growth Momentum in 2024!

Karsan Maintained Strong Growth Momentum in 2024!

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alp özler, yılnak,
7 Nisan 2022 Perşembe - 17:40

100 Iveco S-Way Investment From ABC Logistics

IVECO authorized dealer Gülsoylar delivered 100 S-WAY tow trucks to Kayseri-based ABC Logistics with a ceremony held in Istanbul Çırağan Palace.

100 Iveco S-Way Investment From ABC Logistics


Hakkı Işınak, IVECO Vehicle General Manager:


Ergün Bilen, Chairman of ABC Logistics,


It was stated that this agreement with ABC Logistics is one of the most important agreements that IVECO Turkey has made this year. It was stated that the S-WAY, which is stated to have a FPT Industrial-made engine with 530 horsepower and conforming to Euro 6 E criteria, was effective in the selection of the logistics company, with its high standard features, performance, low fuel consumption compared to the vehicles compared and the positive experience of the product in the past years.

At the end of the ceremony, IVECO Vehicles General Manager Hakkı Işınak and Heavy Vehicles Sales Manager Murat Uçarlı presented plaques to ABC Logistik Chairman of the Board Ergün Bilen in memory of the day.

As My Truck Magazine, we participated in the delivery of 100 S-WAY tractor trucks by IVECO authorized dealer Gülsoylar. At the delivery ceremony, IVECO Vehicle General Manager Hakkı Işınak answered the questions of Nuray Pekcan, Editor-in-Chief of My Truck Magazine, about IVECO S-WAY and delivery.

“There Is Demand, The Investment Continues; These Are Very Good Results For The Growth Of The Country”

Beginning his speech by emphasizing that ABC Logistics is a very important company, Işınak states that they delivered vehicles to ABC Logistics, which he stated that they have been in close contact with for about two years, last year. Işınak continued his speech as follows: “Mr. Ergün explained the reason why they preferred IVECO again. A sale took place due to the importance of our after-sales service and the quality of our service. I would like to thank Mr. Ergün especially for the investment decision made by IVECO again. It is very important for us to deliver these vehicles to the executives of ABC Logistics and there will be more to come. However, the industry also has its realities. For example, the availability and chip problem... This is the issue that I underline and especially emphasize to my friends, that the brand is modest and always close to its customers. Because we saw 2018, 2019: From seven thousand to 25 thousand today. When we look at the last 10 years, this sector should already have 20 thousand, that is, figures such as seven thousand, eight thousand and 12 thousand are very low. However, there is demand, the investment continues; these are very good results for the growth of the country. At the end of the day, I underline that ‘Always be clear and descriptive about availability with the customer. Give rational explanations.'

“S-WAY Proves Itself”

Mentioning that it is very important for the product to prove itself, Işınak states that they made the first launch in February 2020 and that the pandemic broke out at that time. Indicating that they held the last customer meeting in the sector and that the process of closure to homes started after the pandemic, Işınak said that; “Actually, S-WAY has proven itself. In the face of this increasing demand, the team did not talk about the product, but the services, and our new customer acquisition grew significantly with the services. Until today, we have become a brand with a wide product range in all models over 3.5 tons, but we are also present in heavy vehicles and we have very serious growth targets. That's why S-Way has given us a serious dynamism. From now on, our way is clear and we will grow even more.”

“Logistics Industry Has Been In A Significant Growth Trend For The Last Three Years”

Emphasizing that Turkey is at a point where all continents converge, Işınak also mentions that the advantage of this is used. Işınak said that; “Our trades are huge and this makes us grow. The logistics sector has been in a serious growth trend for the last three years, and we anticipate that this will continue. As a result, we use exactly the same technology as in Europe. As soon as our vehicles are released in Europe, they are immediately launched with us. Sometimes even simultaneous launches are made. The launch of the Daily 4x4 was at the same time as Europe, and the launch of the S-WAY was two months apart. That is the time it takes for the vehicle to be produced and delivered to us.”

“IVECO Has Very Serious Preparations for Electric Vehicles”

Talking about the rapid change in technology, Işınak states that the pandemic also triggered this change. Işınak said that; “Electric vehicles are now indispensable. IVECO also has very serious preparations in this regard. At the end of next year, at the beginning of 2024, we will start selling our electric vehicles in Turkey, together with Europe, and we will offer them to our customers in Turkey with mass production.”

Nuray Pekcan, Editor-in-Chief of My Truck Magazine, addresses her questions to ABC Logistics Chairman of the Board of Directors Ergün Bilen in the interview he held at the delivery ceremony. Regarding the increasing demand in the sector, Bilen said, "We are investing, but we have to grow even more."

“We Preferred the IVECO Brand Because It Is Economical In Every Way”

Stating that they used the DAF brand in their previous investments and that they bought Mercedes branded vehicles in 2015, Bilen states that they made purchases in order not to renew their fleet. Mentioning that they do not have the chance to operate old vehicles because they work on the European line, Bilen said: “Eight, ten months ago, we had a serious relationship with IVECO and Mr. Hakkı. We bought a vehicle, we looked at it, we are satisfied with the vehicle, our relations and IVECO. Mr. Hakkı and our dealer in Kayseri, Gülsoylar, made good offers. We also tried the vehicles and we preferred the IVECO brand because they are economical in every sense; We are very happy with this choice. We bought 100 vehicles, but we need 150 vehicles, we will buy those vehicles as well. From now on, we will continue with IVECO.”

“We Delayed Investments for the Release of New S-WAYs”

Stating that they have 470 tow trucks and 620 trailers with their new investments, Bilen states that the vehicle they tried is a sub-model of the vehicle they bought and they delayed their investments a little longer for the new S-WAYs to come out. Bilen said that; “It is very economical in terms of fuel. IVECO officials also offered favorable conditions for the benefit of our company. We take cash when buying our vehicles, we do not use credit, we will not. In addition to this, we have invested in nearly 200 trailers. These trailer investments are completely Tırsan investments. We started this business in 1992, became active in 1995 and got our C2 certificate. Since then, all our trailers in our company have been Tırsan because it is a very high quality brand. We have never taken another brand into our fleet.”

“There Was A Significant Market Share on the Ukraine, Poland and Russia Line; This Market Is Currently Headed Towards Turkey”

Stating that there are offers from Europe to Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan and that they have received serious tenders in a short time, Bilen states that since the Ukraine-Russia line is closed, the customers there turn to Turkey and they have no choice but to use the Turkish line. Bilen said that; “Currently, we are carrying Turkey's exports to Europe, and Europe has opened a line to Turkey, primarily Syria, Iraq, mainly Iran, and Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan due to the current new development. There is a very serious demand, we cannot keep up with the demands. We invest that much, but we have to grow more. Because these demands will continue for a long time. Our country's exports are also increasing. Europe has to constantly produce and sell. Where will he send the goods to sell? The North Corridor is closed. There was a significant market share on the Ukraine, Poland and Russia line, this market is now oriented towards Turkey. Turkish shipper is very lucky right now. We believe that we will do better things in the future as well. For this reason, we have to invest quickly and the whole sector will invest. Currently, suppliers give order to November and December. This is also very good for our country and investors.”

“The Importance of Logistics is Understood”

Mobility in logistics benefits everyone; He draws attention to the fact that the vehicles purchased need a driver and thus job opportunities are provided. Adding that the industry has gained momentum with the latest developments and due to Covid, Bilen said that; “The importance of logistics has been understood. At the moment, the Ministry is even more interested in us in terms of the way things work. As UND, we meet with them regularly. Our country is trying to pave the way for this sector. We have joint works with service exporters. Does it matter if the industrialist in Turkey produces the product and cannot send it? For this reason, the future of our industry is open...”

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