The SAF-HOLLAND Group has the objective of sustainably reducing the consumption of resources per axle produced over the coming years. The supplier for commercial vehicle parts wants to limit the emission of harmful greenhouse gases and focus more strongly on environmental aspects.
The certification confirms the sustainability concept which is already in place at the SAF-HOLLAND Group.
It means that the Group accepts social responsibility and makes a greater contribution to environmental protection than required by law.
Integrated management system up-to-date
SAF-HOLLAND has integrated its environmental management system, which is tailored to the company-specific processes, into its process management system. With this, the suspension expert had already implemented the new requirements of the international standard for quality managements systems, ISO 9001:2015.
The results of the development are a new process house which provides employees with interactive access to the integrated management manual. In addition to this, a specially developed "cockpit" visualises the processes in a clear and simple overview. "This allows us to meet the new requirements of the standards in a
practical manner, such as taking into account opportunities and risks in the processes or developing key figures for steering and monitoring the processes," explains Stephan Huhn, Quality Director at SAF-HOLLAND.
The certificate from the German Association for the Certification of Management Systems (DQS) confirms that SAF-HOLLAND has an integrated quality and environmental management system in place which also meets the requirements of German Federal Motor Transport Authority (KBA).
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