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Pozkrone: Successful as a Krone partner in Poland for 30 years

Pozkrone: Successful as a Krone partner in Poland for 30 years

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alp özler, yılnak,
25 Ekim 2018 Perşembe - 13:53

Exploiting Synergies in the SAF-HOLLAND Group Commercial Vehicle Supplier Grows via Acquisitions

More successful as a team - the commercial vehicle supplier is striving to implement its future plans with strong partners in the SAF-HOLLAND Group. Working with its partners, SAF-HOLLAND is exploiting the synergies in the Group with recognised companies from the transport industry – such as V.ORLANDI, York, KLL, Corpco and Axscend.

Exploiting Synergies in the SAF-HOLLAND Group Commercial Vehicle Supplier Grows via Acquisitions

With acquisitions, SAF-HOLLAND is taking the next steps to implement its 2020 growth strategy, following global megatrends, ex- panding its aftermarket business, entering new markets, but also strengthening its market position in core regions and ex- panding its position globally. To achieve these goals, the companies in the SAF- HOLLAND Group are combining their strengths and exploiting their synergies. "The Group is constantly expanding its expertise, whether regionally or in specific areas of business. We are therefore well placed for the future and are concentrating on implementing our 2020 growth strategy," says Detlef Borghardt, CEO of SAF-HOLLAND.

Strong Position for Coupling Systems and Components

In 2018, SAF-HOLLAND acquired V.ORLANDI S.p.A. – an Italian manufacturer of coupling systems for trucks, trailers, and commercial agricultural vehicles – to ex- pand its specialist business in coupling systems and components. The acquisition has strengthened the commercial vehicle supplier's position as number two for fifth wheels on the European market and expanded its business to include couplings and drawbar eyes for trailers, as well as adding specialised commercial vehicles, such as for industry, agriculture, forestry and mining. SAF-HOLLAND also benefits from V.ORLANDI's strong spare parts and accessories business, which fits per- fectly with its own aftermarket activities.

Presence in the Asia-Pacific Region and India

At almost the same time, SAF-HOLLAND acquired York Transport Equipment (Asia) Pte. Ltd., the supplier of trailer axle and suspension systems. The acquisition sees the Group quickly expanding its market position in the rapidly growing transport markets of the APAC region and India. In the future, York will give the commercial vehicle specialist a significant presence in emerging Southeast Asian markets, such as Thailand, Indonesia and Vietnam, as well as in Aus- tralia. "This acquisition positions us early on for the foreseeable transition in these countries to techno- logically more sophisticated solutions," says Detlef Borghardt, who sees great potential in the move.

Digital Trailer Management Expertise

To expand its digital expertise, SAF-HOLLAND recently acquired Axscend Ltd., the British telematics and connectivity specialist. The commercial vehicle supplier is thereby bringing technical expertise in software and programming into the Group and setting the course for the future – for a trailer that can be managed holistically.

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