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Pozkrone: Successful as a Krone partner in Poland for 30 years

Pozkrone: Successful as a Krone partner in Poland for 30 years

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alp özler, yılnak,
14 Ağustos 2018 Salı - 18:08


As one of the oldest institutions of the business world with its 44 years of experience, Koçaslanlar Holding continues to grow in the automotive sector by taking strong steps. One of the Koçaslanlar Holding subsidiaries Lokman Koçaslan Otomotiv's new MAN Authorized Sales and Service Centre in Bursa Görüklü has been inaugurated with a ceremony.


Since 2016, Lokman Koçaslan Otomotiv has served the MAN & Neoplan group in sales and service segments with its 50 experts at its Balıkesir and Eskişehir branches. With the inauguration of its new facility in Bursa Gürüklü, the company has increased the number of its dealerships to 3 and number of personnel to 100. Lokman Koçaslan Otomotiv's new MAN Authorized Sales and Service Centre is built on an area of 6.000 m² and offers services with its 50 expert employees.

700 People Attended the Inauguration Ceremony

Lokman Koçaslan Otomotiv Chairman Lokman Koçaslan, Koçaslanlar Holding Board Members Muhsin Koçaslan and Yakup Koçaslan, Koçaslanlar Holding CEO Yakup Sağlık, Lokman Koçaslan Otomotiv General Manager Cüneyt Ergün and company executives have hosted the inauguration ceremony of the facility. The entire MAN Kamyon ve Otobüs Ticaret A.Ş. top management team has also attended the inauguration ceremony. General Manager Tuncay Bekiroğlu, Bus Sales Director Can Cansu, Truck Sales Director Serkan Sara, After Sales Services Director Şinasi Ekincioğlu and Second-Hand Sales Director Aydın Yumrukçal have attended the inauguration ceremony on behalf of MAN Kamyon ve Otobüs Ticaret A.Ş. The Former Minister of Youth and Sports Bahattin Şeker, President of Bursa Chamber of Commerce and Industry İbrahim Burkay, Bursa Metropolitan Municipality Deputy Mayor Önder TANIR and 700 guests of various representatives from Bursa's business life, have attended the ceremony that began with the projection of a video that depicts the history of MAN onto the LED screen.

It Will Be Able to Simultaneously Serve 30 Vehicles

In his speech, Koçaslanlar Holding Board Member Muhsin Koçaslan talked about Koçaslanlar family and its long years of friendly commercial relationship with MAN group. He said: "With you, we are excited and proud to complete the second year of our partnership with the MAN group that began in 2016. In 2016, we have allocated our Balıkesir and Eskişehir plaza buildings to MAN brand and today, we have added our Bursa facility to that list. Our facility can simultaneously serve 30 vehicles with an indoor space of 6.000 square meters. Located 1 kilometre from the highway, the project and interior design of our facility has been carefully prepared by fully taking MAN's corporate identity guidelines as basis, from the spare parts department to office spaces and workshop areas. Aside from sales, we will employ 50 expert personnel in the vehicle registration, vehicle diagnostics, mechanics, electrics and bodywork departments of our service facility. MAN is one of the most important players of the commercial vehicle segment with its quality, product variety, investments in our country, success in sales and after-sales services, and its second-hand organizations. So, I have complete faith that this journey of commerce of ours with MAN, shall continue for many years. Our TGE model light commercial vehicle that is currently exhibited among today's MAN models on display, has been introduced to our customers for the first time in our country and I wish that it will bring prosperity to the customers in our country, along with the entire MAN family."

"All Objectives of The Partnership Have Been Successfully Achieved"

MAN Kamyon ve Otobüs Ticaret A.Ş. General Manager Tuncay Bekiroğlu has underlined that Lokman Koçaslan Otomotiv's new service shop is one of the important milestones for MAN Kamyon ve Otobüs Ticaret A.Ş. and stated that all objectives of their partnership that began with Koçaslan Family 2 years ago, have been successfully completed so far, including the inauguration of the new service shop.

Tuncay Bekiroğlu continued: "Due to 50th anniversary of our presence in Turkey, we began this inauguration ceremony with a movie we've prepared. It was a movie that shared details from the first days of TRT's broadcast to the construction of Turkey's so-called four-season roads and from days of Europe's transition to Euro currency to what MAN has done in Turkey throughout that period. We have a very long history in Turkey. We've crossed our 250th anniversary in the world and our half a century mark in Turkey. MAN commercial vehicles group also has its contribution to this 52-year period when Turkey made its leap and became one of the largest economies of the world. In addition, this contribution is not only limited to MAN commercial vehicles group as the contribution of our valuable business partners that took us among the most important institutions of Turkey, are also highly important. In terms of customer satisfaction, MAN Turkey has become the number one branch that provides the highest customer satisfaction around the world. Thanks to this new facility, I have complete faith that we shall maintain our first place and that we will even advance a bit further. On this occasion, I would like to express my thanks to the most valuable Koçaslan Family that has contributed the facility to our community and helped us look more confidently towards the future and wish them prosperity."

Koçaslanlar Is in Every Segment of Automotive with Its 44 Years of Experience

Found by Ahmet Koçaslan in 1974, Koçaslanlar Holding continues to grow in the automotive sector with its 44 years of experience and take an active role in it. From automobiles to light commercial vehicles, passenger transportation group to medium and heavy-duty commercial trucks, tractors to trailers and from the sub equipment of all these products to all segments that operate on highways, Koçaslanlar Holding makes difference in the sector with its insurance and spare part products.

Serves with Its Advantageous Position and Team of Experts

The inaugurated Görükle branch of one of Koçaslanlar Holding's 8 subsidiaries, Lokman Koçaslan Otomotiv, is located on Bursa-İzmir road, just a few minutes away from the highway. In terms of both its location and strong team of employees, the facility shines out in Bursa with its sales and maintenance services in the MAN & Neoplan vehicle group. The centre offers fast response advantage to stranded vehicles with its location and 24/7 roadside assistance vehicles.

Today, Lokman Koçaslan Otomotiv serves its customers with 100 expert employees at its Eskişehir, Balıkesir and Bursa branches that have been established on a total of 20.000 m² of space.

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