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Karsan Maintained Strong Growth Momentum in 2024!

Karsan Maintained Strong Growth Momentum in 2024!

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alp özler, yılnak,
7 Haziran 2021 Pazartesi - 10:46

Quantron AG Cooperates With H2Go GmbH

Hydrogen as an alternative fuel is the future of electromobility. However, it is also a topic that brings with it a number of challenges that companies must master. That's why e-mobility company Quantron AG and hydrogen specialist H2Go GmbH have now joined forces to pool the knowledge and expertise of both companies to offer a total package of hydrogen mobility solutions.

Quantron AG Cooperates With H2Go GmbH

The joint service and product offering consists of commercial vehicles powered by hydrogen, customized hydrogen logistics and infrastructure, customer consulting and the creation of customer-specific holistic hydrogen roadmaps. H2Go and QUANTRON compile customized solutions from the joint modular system of products and services.

Andreas Haller, CEO of Quantron AG: "We at QUANTRON not only offer our customers zero-emission vehicles, but also support them in all essential areas related to electromobility and hydrogen. The cooperation with H2Go is an important part of our fully comprehensive service offering."

Axel Poblotzki, Managing Director of H2Go GmbH: "Through the cooperation concluded with QUANTRON, we can now offer our joint customers and partners a complete hydrogen ecosystem for commercial vehicles by linking vehicle and infrastructure expertise in a meaningful way. In doing so, we have the positive effects on regional and supraregional value chains in mind."  

Türkiye-Almanya Arası Komple Tır ve Parsiyel Nakliye Hizmetleri
Petrol Ofisi Pazardaki Payını Artırdı
 Onay bekleyen yorum yok.

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