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Pozkrone: Successful as a Krone partner in Poland for 30 years

Pozkrone: Successful as a Krone partner in Poland for 30 years

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alp özler, yılnak,
22 Mayıs 2019 Çarşamba - 17:33

SAF-HOLLAND app with extended function in 15 languages

SAF-HOLLAND revised its SH CONNECT app and added more functions: the mobile application can now search for workshops and spare parts dealers within a 200 km radius and preselect contacts and training courses according to the current location. The app is now available as a free download from the app stores in 15 languages.

SAF-HOLLAND app with extended function in 15 languages

Mobile services have become firmly established in the commercial vehicles industry. Easy to use, comprehensive and clearly structured – the optimised app from SAF-HOLLAND ensures best possible support on the go. “Our SH CONNECT is very popular and we will establish it as a permanent component of our range of services. We are continuously working on new functions so we can provide even better support to our commercial vehicle customers,”says Nicolas Pütz, Manager Digital Solutions.

SAF-HOLLAND app: customised support on the road
SH CONNECT can now provide help on the road even faster: the mobile application finds qualified workshops and parts dealers within a 200 km radius of the current location. The revised app also uses the current location for contacting SAF-HOLLAND or finding a suitable training course: It sorts the offers individually and suggests nearby results. This allows users to see nearby contacts and training courses without complicated scrolling and searching.
The SAF-HOLLAND app is also a popular tool internationally. Originally launched in German and English, it now speaks 15 languages. The latest update added Bulgarian, Finnish, French, Italian, Dutch, Norwegian, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Swedish, Spanish, Czech and Turkish.

SH CONNECT – one application, numerous functions
The clear menu structure gives users a quick overview of the functions of the app. Users can find information about the SAF-HOLLAND training program, prices and free spaces and register directly for the desired courses. The most important contacts in 15 European countries can be found with just a few taps. In addition, the app offers news about the supplier for commercial vehicle parts and supports users with trailer configuration. If a user needs a spare part, they can simply scan the code on the respective component with the QR code reader integrated into the SH CONNECT app. Within a few seconds, the corresponding product with all relevant details is opened in the electronic Parts on Demand (PoD) spare parts catalogue. After successfully logging into the PoD system, the user can order the required spare part directly and securely online on his tablet or smartphone. The revised app also contains the workshop manual and a troubleshooting
function, videos and documentation such as repair instructions.

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