Jobseekers are increasingly looking for employers who offer secure prospects and optimal development opportunities, and this is particularly relevant to the transport and logistics industry which is undergoing a profound transformation. Complexity is increasing alongside digitalisation and automation, and the topics of environmental compatibility and safety are becoming noticeably more important for employees.
Innovative companies that assume economic, ecological and social responsibility are preferred as employers. In the study "Traum-Arbeitgeber – Innovativ. Digital. Nachhaltig" (Dream Employer – Innovative. Digital. Sustainable), the F.A.Z. Institute examined and evaluated the reputation of 20,000 companies in the areas of innovation, digitalisation, sustainability, career, corporate culture and salary. As Schmitz Cargobull meets all the requirements the business was awarded the title "Dream Employer".
Andreas Schmitz, CEO of Schmitz Cargobull AG, says: "This award proves that Schmitz Cargobull is perceived as an innovative, digital and sustainable company. We offer our employees the opportunity to help shape our future in a family-run company. We support even the youngest employees through our training programmes and dual courses of study.
“In addition to our core manufacturing business, we are massively expanding our Digital Services division and offering numerous positions for new employees with experience and interest in digital jobs. Our customers can rely on us to be a reliable and innovative partner, constantly developing both proven and new technologies to help them fulfil their transport tasks efficiently and conveniently. We are very pleased to receive this award.”
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