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Pozkrone: Successful as a Krone partner in Poland for 30 years

Pozkrone: Successful as a Krone partner in Poland for 30 years

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alp özler, yılnak,
7 Şubat 2020 Cuma - 13:14

WABCO Expands Operations in Turkey with its First Manufacturing Facility

WABCO Holdings Inc. (NYSE: WBC), the leading global supplier of braking control systems and other advanced technologies that improve the safety, efficiency and connectivity of commercial vehicles, today held the ground breaking ceremony in Sakarya for its first manufacturing facility in Turkey. This represents a total investment of $20 million and will play a pivotal role in delivering superior value to WABCO’s extensive customer base in Turkey, as well as across Europe and the Middle East.

WABCO Expands Operations in Turkey with its First Manufacturing Facility

WABCO’s investment in Turkey has grown significantly in recent years. The new manufacturing facility follows the October 2018 opening of WABCO’s Distribution Centre in Istanbul. Additionally, in 2011, WABCO opened an International Sourcing and Purchasing Office in Istanbul which currently purchases over $50 million of parts and sub-assemblies from a wide range of Turkish suppliers annually.

“The new manufacturing facility will enable WABCO to leverage the local manufacturing talent base and benefit from the country’s exceptional infrastructure and logistics capabilities. This will allow us to further strengthen our customer intimacy locally as well as export products from Turkey across Europe and the Middle East to further enhance WABCO’s competitiveness in those regions,” said Nick Rens, WABCO President EMEA.

Since 1982, WABCO has established strong roots in Turkey, forging deep relationships across the country’s commercial vehicle industry and building a strong leadership position in its market locally.

“The new facility will allow WABCO to progressively localise the manufacturing of its products supporting the local market. This will further enhance our service to local customers by delivering high quality, cost efficient products with agility, speed and flexibility,” said Kazim Eryilmaz, WABCO Country Leader Turkey.


WABCO (NYSE: WBC) is the leading global supplier of braking control systems and other advanced technologies that improve the safety, efficiency and connectivity of commercial vehicles. Originating from the Westinghouse Air Brake Company founded nearly 150 years ago, WABCO is powerfully “Mobilizing Vehicle Intelligence” to support the increasingly autonomous, connected and electric future of the commercial vehicle industry. WABCO continues to pioneer innovations to address key technology milestones in autonomous mobility and apply its extensive expertise to integrate the complex control and fail-safe systems required to efficiently and safely govern vehicle dynamics at every stage of a vehicle’s journey – on the highway, in the city and at the depot. Today, leading truck, bus and trailer brands worldwide rely on WABCO’s differentiating technologies. Powered by its vision for accident-free driving and greener transportation solutions, WABCO is also at the forefront of advanced fleet management systems and digital services that contribute to commercial fleet efficiency. In 2018, WABCO reported sales of over $3.8 billion and has more than 16,000 employees in 40 countries. 

WABCO, İlk Üretim Tesisi ile Türkiye'deki Faaliyetlerini Genişletiyor
İstanbul’da Kar Yağışı Akşam Saatlerinde Başlayacak!
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