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Pozkrone: Successful as a Krone partner in Poland for 30 years

Pozkrone: Successful as a Krone partner in Poland for 30 years

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alp özler, yılnak,
29 Ağustos 2019 Perşembe - 15:28

"Beep" Sound No More!

We negotiated about the benefits of White Sound System with the owner of Universal Car Technologies and Consultancy company Serkan Öztürk who brought bbs-tek® White Sound® Alarm Systems to our sector which makes the service vehicles used in municipalities work more silently and safer. Öztürk states that the White Sound System, especially used by municipal waste trucks and construction machinery will reduce noise pollution, so that the discomfort of both citizens and municipal employees will mini

 Beep  Sound No More!

“Beep Beep” is an important step with the audible alarm, but…”

According to statistics, one quarter of the deaths in construction site and warehouse accidents occur as a result of the reverse maneuvers of the vehicles. The rest are various injuries, damage to vehicles, equipment and structures. Nevertheless, many companies still refrain from installing reverse gear alarms, which are quite simple and equally inexpensive. Beep Beep audible reversing alarm systems were first introduced in Europe in the early 1970s. Thanks to this, although an important step has been taken in the field of vehicle safety, other problems have emerged that conflict with the benefit of these systems. However, advances in technology have created other alternatives to overcome these problems.

Garbage Trucks Are Quieter Now!

Brigade Electronic has made an important decision to produce a more secure alternative audible alarm that does not create noise pollution instead of narrow-band alarms with beep, tone characters and actualized this. Brigade's aim and objective is to encourage the installation of these alarms in each vehicle to prevent accidents and losses during reverse gear maneuvers. bbs-tek® White Sound® alarm systems are a new generation revolutionary alternative to the need for audible alarms. These are the most secure reversing alarms and do not create noise disturbance. It has started to be used as a quick alternative for countless other applications such as various construction machines and forklifts, garbage trucks, airport ground handling vehicles. For example; the only reversing alarm allowed in New York City is bbs-tek®. Many UK airports and municipalities should also be mentioned.


Reduces Noise Pollution in Cities

Commercial vehicles, construction equipment and especially municipal garbage trucks are naturally forced to maneuver a large number of backward spaces in congested neighborhoods and streets. In such cases, pedestrians and other elements that may be damaged in the environment are warned in case of any accident, while local residents should not be disturbed by noise pollution. The bbs-tek® White Sound Alarm already provides the necessary safety benefits both on normal roads and on land, but in environmental areas, especially in residential and residential areas, the environmental impact (impact on sound pollution) is much more prominent. While tonal alarm sound can even pass through double glazing, the sound of bbs-tek® White Sound® alarm systems does not disturb the occupants through double glazing.

Doesn't Cause Noise Complaints

White sound alarm does not cause much noise outside the danger zone and does not cause noise complaints. In addition, it has the same warning effect even it is 5dB lower than standard alarms with its multi-frequency band character. The beep alarm causes disturbance, sound sensitivity and stress complaints because it is heard 30 times further from the danger zone.

Adjustment According to the Ambient Sound Volume

Constant volume audible alarms for changing ambient sound levels can be either too loud or too quiet. The end-point SMART bbs® models in the audible warning systems solve this problem. These alarms can detect the ambient volume and adjust itself to this level. In doing so, it automatically adjusts its volume to 87-107 dB or 77-97 dB depending on the ambient sound.

“Silent Night-Work” Certificate

Due to their contribution to the environment (prevention of noise pollution), white sound bbs-tek alarm systems have the “Quiet Mark” certificate issued by NAS (Noise Abatement Society). Some models deserve the silent night-time certificate by PIEK, which is based in the Netherlands and determines night-time working conditions in all of Europe. Firms with vehicles equipped with this type of reversing alarm can save time and costs as they can operate during night shifts without compromising safety and environmental requirements. Beep sounds are a very disturbing element during night work, but working without alarms is a very important deficiency that puts lives at risk.

White Sound Can Be Heard Only in Danger Zone

There are large, even gigantic construction machines operating in difficult terrain, creating very challenging and dangerous environments for employees. The main solution to minimize risks for safety is to produce the most appropriate audible alarm during reverse maneuver. White sound is a very quick alarm; it is only heard in the danger zone. “Shhh” sound is more harmonious and less uncomfortable for the ear. As a result, the sound of this alarm causes the necessary sensitivity by giving employees the feeling that they are being warned in the most appropriate way, and prevents the sabotages experienced in standard alarm systems (to cancel the alarm in secret).

“Helps Person Take Precautions to Protect Himself/ Herself”

Beep alarms are heard 30 times farther away from the danger zone, causing disturbance and noise sensitivity to the people involved, and as a result of this type of alarms are secretly turned off and thus, serious accidents or losses are invited. White sound reversing alarm, as the name implies, consists of a frequency band sound integrity. This allows the listener to determine the direction of the sound by nature and thus helps the person to take the necessary measures to protect himself / herself. Tone beep type alarm systems are confusing and disturbing that do not allow the direction of sound to be detected; for this reason, the critical seconds that the warning should be detected and moved away from the danger zone (avoided) are lost during this surprise and unfortunately various accidents and losses are experienced.

Can be Heard by Everyone!

Hearing Protection Devices (HPDs) are used to protect workers against loud sounds, but even in this case it is vital to hear backward maneuvering vehicles. HPDs filter some sound frequency more than others but pass some. Therefore, White Sound frequency-band bbs-tek alarms are heard with these headphones compared to “beep-beep” type alarms. Likewise, hearing impaired people are more likely to hear white audible alarms than beep-beep alarms. Contrary to what is believed, it is a fact that the narrow-band beep alarm is more likely to be inaudible as a result of the use of headphones and invites accidents. In addition to all these, bbs-tek products have a LIFETIME WARRANTY.

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