As Fercam carries out around 20 per cent of all transport with intermodal systems, the company pays particular attention to the intermodal qualities of the trailers when investing in semi-trailers; what counts here first and foremost is maximum body strength, flexible use and exemplary load securing.
The new Krone semi-trailers, which were delivered by the Italian Krone partner RealTrailer srl., are used by Fercam on all European routes. Fercam has 93 branches throughout Europe, 63 of them in Italy, 24 in Europe through its own subsidiaries and a further six in Turkey, Tunisia, Morocco, Serbia and Albania. Due to its 93 branches throughout the continent and in North Africa, the company can offer virtually any route, most of them even intermodal (rail/road or road/sea transport), thus also scoring points from an environmental point of view.
About Fercam
The South Tyrolean Fercam AG with headquarters in Bolzano (founded in 1949) is one of the leading transport and logistics companies in Italy with its 3,350 own loading units and more than 1,200,000 m² of storage space. The company's services include international full load transports by road and rail as well as worldwide sea and air freight transports, national general cargo transports and numerous logistics services. Since the beginning of 2019, Fercam has also been represented in the Far East, namely in Hong Kong, China and Japan, with three of its own local facilities. The company currently has 2,100 employees and almost 4,000 external employees, who generated sales of 811 million euros in 2018.
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