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Pozkrone: Successful as a Krone partner in Poland for 30 years

Pozkrone: Successful as a Krone partner in Poland for 30 years

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alp özler, yılnak,
12 Haziran 2020 Cuma - 15:27

"I Believe That We Survived This Process With Less Damage And It Will Be So"

Nuray Pekcan, Editor-in-Chief of My Truck Magazine, had a conversation with NSK Automotive General Manager Sinan Zırhlı, who produces ROTA branded products, via video conference about the automotive industry and the corona pandemic process. How did the pandemic process affect ROTA, what were the expectations for market in 2020 before this process? What are the forecasts for the domestic market and export? You can read the details of the process and the industry in the rest of the news.

 I Believe That We Survived This Process With Less Damage And It Will Be So



Details of our interview;

“Our establishment date is 1950, and this year we are celebrating our 70th year. In 1982, we started producing steering and suspension parts. We have 3 production facilities in Karacabey and Bursa. Apart from these production facilities, we can say that we are a company of 400 people with a sales location in Istanbul and at the same time with our sales office in Brazil and America globally. The seeds of our company were planted by Nurettin Kazangil; now, it is a company run by the second and third generations of the Kazangil family. ”

“When We Come to the End of 2020, I Can Say that We Will Close This Year with 2019 Performance”

“In the past three years, we have always progressed by growing, and we have grown around 15 percent and 20 percent. In 2020, our target was a growth of 15 percent as in previous years, but the result was not quite so. But I can still say that we will close this year with 2019 performance when we come to the end of 2020 within the scope of the measures we have taken. I think we will close with a good result compared to other companies in similar sectors.”

“I Can Say That We Survived The Process With The Least Damage”

“The first two months were going well, but we didn't think much of the signals coming from the Far East would affect us so quickly. As a result, it directly reflected our customers, orders, and inevitably reflected on the turnover. Our company has some features. Heavy commercial vehicle production is a major part of our turnover. This is the case in the world and in Turkey; heavy vehicles hasn’t seen a lot of damage globally, compared with smaller vehicles. The transport system continued. Yes, there were disruptions, but still continued. One part of us works with the agricultural sector. There were no serious stops in these two sectors, and I can say that we survived the process with the least damage.”

“I Believe that We Survived This Process With Less Damage And It Will Be So”

“There was a model that we have created for years and the Kazangil family has shown us as a target and they have made great efforts for this. This model does not keep the share of even your biggest customer in the turnover over 10 percent and thus go to as many countries as we can achieve globally. We are currently working with over 100 countries and over 250 customers. It gives us the opportunity to work with a customer base starting from China and extending from South America to Venezuela, from Canada to South Africa. While some countries have suffered more, some countries have not suffered so much. Our company is enjoying its advantages. Of course, while we work with so many locations, we have an intense attendance rate to fairs. With the ROTA brand, we attend fairs in 8 or 10 different countries in a year. Thus; the diversity of our customers, our diversity in the country and on the ground gave us a serious advantage. However, we had a certain share of the original equipment, although not very high. Yes, all the original equipment in the world has taken a serious stop, especially the small vehicle industry. The large vehicle sector has also taken a serious stop, but since the share of a customer in our turnover did not grow much, this decrease in original equipment did not cause serious damage to us in this sense. I believe we have come out of this process with less damage, and it will be so. I hope we will catch the 2019 turnover and complete 2020 happily.”

"The Idea That The Customers Leaving China And India To Be With Turkey Is More Dominant"

"Can we be an alternative to the Far East?" We ask ourselves. We ask because of this; Is this global crisis also a crisis for Turkey and for us? Is it a risk? An opportunity? We need to talk about both situations. First, all countries can withdraw into their own shell and reduce their imports and solve this problem with their own resources. They may reduce purchases from countries such as China, Turkey and India. This is a possibility and risk. On the other hand; our customers especially the ones in Europe, who are distant to China and India and closer to our location, can increase their original equipment can purchases from us. We support this part of the business more, we want to be more ready for this part. We prepare both in the production, control and modernization infrastructure of our company. We are a bit of customer in this regard. The idea that the customers leaving China and India to be with Turkey is more dominant.“

“We Are Aiming To Further Improve The Online Working System With Our Customers, And To Protect Our Work Share, Which Is Currently 85 Percent With Our Customers Abroad, And To Reach 90 Percent, If We Succeed”

“We have a widespread customer base abroad and a widespread country formation. According to the preparation that the fairs will be low in the new period; we want to speed up our work in 2020 and 2021 in order to develop the technological infrastructure that may be available to our customers faster, and in addition to the fact that the trade of original equipment originating from Europe will decrease with the Far East and India, and we want to achieve these customers more frequently and to get more projects. We aim to further improve the online working system with our customers and to protect our work share with our customers abroad, which is currently 85 percent, and to reach 90 percent if we can succeed. ”

“Despite These Happened To Us In 2020, We Still Did Not Take A Step Back From This Investment, Our Investment In America Is Still Continuing”

“We are an exporting company and we try to export at a high rate. In fact, our location in America was included in our plans in 2019. Despite these happened to us in 2020, we still did not take a step back from this investment. Our investment in America is still continuing. The reason for this is to be closer to our customers there, if necessary, to make room for warehouse or logistics services and to offer our customers there faster. If we come to our expectations from the state, of course, the support to the exporter would be very good. In this sense, our formation in Brazil is a location we have created for Brazil and the surrounding countries. Applications that will support our exports, leases and warehouse services will also provide an advantage for our company. At the same time, as the state has announced; delay of some taxes, short work programs, KGF supported resources were the supports we used. These are quite useful for us. Being an exporter and export-based supports will make us more open. ”

“We Are Trying To Do Our Differentiation With The Products We Have Patented And To Meet Our Customers With These Products”

“We have a serious investment in the preparation of this product group that started with our formation in America in 2019. We have not taken a step back from this in any way. We keep bringing all the samples and investing and examining both process and test. We run for America, on the other hand, we see this as an opportunity. We began to think that the conflict between America and China is an advantage to countries like Turkey, but of course we did not have anything like this when we plan to invest, it will be an advantage. However, our superiorities that we provide differentiation are our patented products. We try to make our differentiation with the products we have received patents and to come up with our customers with these products. What we especially developed in this suspension group are: Our V Arm Teflon Bearing system, our C type adapter patented system developed for the rods used in the steering system and our V arm segment lock system in suspension systems. In Turkey, we had a patented product for strengthening the V arm in used truck and construction in the airport and it was very satisfied. We were on the field with a reinforced V arm. Thanks to this patented product, we have achieved very good performances both in trucks operating in such heavy conditions and in conditions requiring superior power. ”

“The African Market Should Be Among The Markets Group Which Should Be Very Interested In The Future In particular, And What We Can Obtain Here Should Be Explored”

"Both for Turkey and for our company, African market is the one not very well known. We have only a few customers with whom we continue to work in this market. In particular, it should be included in the group of markets that need to be very interested in the future and what we can achieve here should be investigated. ”

“We Tried To Be Ready For The Online Working System As Far As We Can”

“We tried to work without interruption during this period, the most important of which is the two-month non-employment period. We never took a break. We did not separate any of our teammates from our work, we were all together. I think we manage the supply chain well. We did not upset any of our customers due to supplier problems, we did not send them any missing goods. We are also a supplier for another customer, so we tried not to upset our customer. We tried to be ready for the online working system as far as we can. We had around 20-30 friends working online from their homes. Again, within the scope of the measures announced by the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Labor and Social Policies, we have taken as many measures as we can in our company. For example, due to social distance, we increased two shifts to three shifts. More services, food breaks… These actually reduced both our efficiency and performance, but in the end, we tried to send the seamless product to our customer in time. ”

“We Are Aware That There Are Risks And Problems Will Occur After The Pandemic, We Are Prepared For This, But There Is An Expected Demand In The Domestic Market”

“We hope for the future. Yes, we are aware that there are risks and there will be problems after the pandemic. We are prepared for this, but there is an expected demand in the domestic market. Most of the vehicles did not go to the services, the demand was suspended because they did not go to the services. Again, our friends at the service had to melt their stocks, in order to solve their cash needs. These decreasing stocks will return to us as order. For these reasons, we look positive. We believe there will be a positive transformation. Our government may have big projects. When there is any of these and our heavy truck market comes alive, there will be the life line support. In short, we are the one looking hopefully in the second half of 2020 that there will be a positive development in the domestic market and exports towards the end. ”




NSK Otomotiv Genel Müdürü Sinan Zırhlı: Bu Süreçten Az Zarar ile Çıktığımıza İnanıyorum ve Böyle de Olacak
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