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Pozkrone: Successful as a Krone partner in Poland for 30 years

Pozkrone: Successful as a Krone partner in Poland for 30 years

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alp özler, yılnak,
14 Mayıs 2020 Perşembe - 16:38

Krone Donates €10,000 In Support Of Charity Bike Tour

Bernard Krone handed over a donation cheque from the Dr Bernard Krone Foundation to the amount of €10,000 to Ludger Abeln, presenter of the German NDR broadcasting station and initiator of the Caritas Charity bike tour "Time to help - cycling 1,000km in fight of Corona".

Krone Donates €10,000 In Support Of Charity Bike Tour

The Catholic Caritas charity organisation based in the Osnabruck Diocese will use the money to support especially those people whose livelihoods have been threatened by the Corona pandemic, such as low-income families with children, homeless people, single parents, pensioners with a small budget and people who are affected by short-time work or unemployment due to the epidemic.

"It is wonderful and remarkable that there are people out there who turn their ideas into action and  commit to supporting those in need, giving a little bit of hope at the same time. We are very happy to support this commitment" - with these words Bernard Krone welcomed Ludger Abeln at the Krone location in Spelle. 

After stopping over at Krone where he was served a soft drink and fruit Ludger Abeln set off to continue his tour, because there are almost 1,000km to complete this week. From today on his charity tour leads him through the Emsland, the county of Bentheim, the districts of Diepholz and Nienburg on the left side of the Weser, through the city and district of Osnabrück and also through East Frisia.

In the past few weeks, the Krone Foundation has donated a total of €200,000 to various organisations in the region, including to the Bonifatius Hospital Lingen, the Spelle nursing home, to dementia and hospice groups and many more. With this move, Krone wants to make a clear statement in the context of the Corona pandemic and underline the company's solidarity with the region.

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