Here are the other highlights from the assessment of Bruno Blin, Renault Trucks Global President:
In 2018, Renault Trucks recorded its fourth consecutive year of sales growth. Bruno Blin has announced a rise of 7.6% in MHDV, and 15% in LCV.
Regional Sales Breakdown
• Europe (excluding France): 26,830 units (+ %13.5)
• France: 23,581 units (+ %10.1)
• Turkey, Middle East, Africa, Latin America: 4,457 units (- %8.8)
Significant Growth in Europe
In a dynamic European market for vehicles over 6 tons (up 4.2%), deliveries of Renault Trucks vehicles are up 7.6%. This has led to an increase in Renault Trucks' market share, up 0.1 point to 8.5%.
In the over 16-ton segment, Renault Trucks’ market share in Europe is up 0.2 points, at 8.9%.
For vehicles between 6 and 16 tons, market share is down 0.3 points (6.2%). On the other hand, Renault Trucks has strengthened its position as leader in its home market, with a 28.1% market share.
International Sales Increased with An Upturn in Africa
Deliveries of Renault Trucks vehicles have fallen 8.8% internationally, with 4,457 trucks invoiced. This downturn can be explained by the introduction of import quotas in Algeria in 2018. However, Renault Trucks is particularly active in Africa, where sales have grown 25% in 2018. In North Africa, Renault Trucks holds 20% of the premium range market (+1 point). In 2018, the manufacturer also recorded good performance in Turkey (+2.1 points with 5.8% of MS) and in the Middle East (+1.1 point with 6.4% MS).
23% Increase of For Renault Trucks Used Trucks and Tractors
In 2018, Renault Trucks recorded a record increase in sales of used trucks, with 8,500 invoiced vehicles, up 23%. Used trucks service offers are also performing well, notably due to the Selection structure warranty, with a penetration rate of 18%, up 6 points.
400 Used Trucks Reconditioned
Used vehicles represent a strategic sector for Renault Trucks. Accordingly; in 2017, the manufacturer opened a “Used Trucks Factory” at its Bourg-en-Bresse plant to recondition its used vehicles. In 2018, 400 used trucks were reconditioned there to meet customer requirements (compared to 230 in 2017). The aim is for vehicles from the Used Trucks Factory to eventually represent 10% of total sales of used vehicles. After the T X-Road, Renault Trucks launched another model from its Used Trucks Factory in 2018, the T P-Road, a tractor converted into a rigid truck.
Spare Parts Sales Up 5%
Renault Trucks After-Sales Division has reported steady progress of 5% in its spare parts turnover and a healthy increase in the sales of its maintenance contracts.
With 32,000 vehicles under contract, the penetration rate of maintenance contracts grew by 5 points in 2018 to reach 23.6%. 60,000 vehicles now benefit from a Renault Trucks maintenance contract or extended warranty. It is of note that Renault Trucks offers transporters ideal protection for operating with complete peace of mind, since the constructor has extended its guarantee warranty on spare parts fitted by an approved Renault Trucks service centre to 2 years, without any mileage restrictions.
Renault Trucks Prepares for The Future
Fuel savings and reducing CO2 emissions have always been a core concern for Renault Trucks. The manufacturer is therefore investing fully in complying with the limits set by the EU as regards CO2 emissions.
At the end of 2018, Renault Trucks announced the launch of the 2019 versions of the T, D and D Wide models, designed to reduce fuel consumption by up to 7% compared to previous versions. Renault Trucks is also continuing its research into improving the efficiency of diesel vehicles, with its Optifuel Lab 3 laboratory vehicle. The aim is to reduce fuel consumption by 13% for a full heavy vehicle unit by 2020.
Last but not least, for an immediate improvement in air quality, Renault Trucks will be launching its D and D Wide Z.E electric trucks in 2019, manufactured in its Blainville-sur-Orne factory. The Renault Master Z.E., on the other hand, is already being distributed in the Renault Trucks network.
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