You can find all the details in our interview...
"We Will Eliminate the Loss of Time with A Single Stop""
We're always in contact with our driver buddies on the field. People we spoke at the Kapıkule Border Gate were especially complaining about the lines at the border gate. Some of them stated that the lines are caused by the Bulgarian Customs while some stated that they are caused by the Turkish Customs. What can you say about this issue? Does the state have any initiatives in this regard?
Recently, we've made an extended meeting with the Minister of Trade Ruhsar Pekcan at Kapıkule Border Gate. We took some decisions as part of our meeting with the officials and public servants working at the gate. Firstly, we are switching to a stop system; this means that all the processes will be completed at a single office and our trucker buddies will receive their exit approvals immediately. Currently, we are constructing three stops. These stops will be for the Police, for the customs declaration and for exiting. Therefore, we will eliminate the loss of time with a single stop.
"The Bulgarian Party Also Agreed to Make the Same at Their Side"
The Minister of Trade Ruhsar Pekcan has also held a meeting with her counterpart Minister and Bulgarian Prime Minister in Sofia. We can say that it has been a very positive meeting. During the meeting, they talked about what they can do to make sure that the Bulgarian side can receive more vehicles. We already know our part at the Kapıkule Border Gate at Edirne. The Bulgarian party also agreed to make the same at their side and that has accelerated the process a bit more. The process will work faster in the upcoming days.
"Nearly A Thousand Trucks Leave Edirne Each Day"
Rightfully, our exporters want to transport their products to Europe at the beginning of the week. That's why they load and send their vehicles towards Edirne on Wednesday and Thursday. All the vehicles arrive in Edirne on Friday mornings and afternoons. As the vehicles are not allowed to operate on European roads on weekends by the highway laws, they travel to the Bulgarian customs by the end of Sunday, rest at the customs and then set off. Of course, this gives the drivers a chance to rest. Exporters from all over Turkey mostly use the Kapıkule Border Gate. Nearly a thousand trucks leave Edirne each day. That's the capacity. These numbers used to be around 700-750 but the customs officials have raised that number with an incredible performance. Of course, these are happening because the Bulgarians have also accelerated their operations.
"We Will Inaugurate A 400-Vehicle Trailer Park at The Hamzabey Border Gate"
One problem that our friends told us at the Kapıkule Border Gate was the lack of social facilities where they can meet their needs. Do you have any projects on that issue?
Of course, it is very important for them to use the toilets, eat and drink; that's a very natural issue. As you know, there is a 100 thousand square meter trailer area at the entrance of Kapıkule Border Gate and it is organized by large commercial enterprises. We've decided to add yet another 80 thousand square meters to that space. We will inaugurate a 400-vehicle trailer park at the Hamzabey Border Gate by the end of the month. Therefore, our friends will have facilities where they can meet all kinds of needs.
"Textile Manufacturers Won't Pay an Additional One Thousand Euros to Use a Refrigerated Vehicle"
Another issue is that refrigerated vehicles malevolently use their priority pass. For example, they are saying that vehicles loaded with textiles change their vehicle documents to show as if they are transporting fresh fruits and vegetables to go to the front of the line. What can you say about that?
First of all, I would like to state that if it costs 2 thousand 500 Euros to rented a normal curtainsider vehicle to Europe, it costs 3 thousand 500 Euros for a refrigerated vehicle. Therefore, textile manufacturers won't pay an additional one thousand euros to use a refrigerated vehicle. Moreover, the customs declarations clearly state the contents of these vehicles; that's why such things are not possible.
"Malevolent People Use These Methods Especially When the Lines Are Long"
One of the most frequently stated issue that our driver friends told us was that the refugees have illegally entered their vehicles. They have even stated that there are organized criminals doing these and that their crimes have victimized innocent people. What can you say about this or is it possible to do anything about this issue?
Well, our trailer parks at border gate entrances are very secure and they are under camera surveillance 24/7; however, do such things happen? Of course. Malevolent people use these methods especially when the lines are long. When our trailer parks at our border gate entrances are larger and when all our vehicles can be admitted to these trailer parks, there will no longer be such issues.
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