Began production in 1968, Toyota Hilux is the world's most popular pick-up model that sold over 18 million units globally. The vehicle's 4x4 Hi-Cruiser A/T version stands out with an SUV-looking design, safety features, driving dynamics and comfort level.
Sliding Rear Hatch Comes as Standard
The Hilux 4x4 Hi-Cruiser A/T 50th anniversary model comes equipped with Toyota's advanced safety system "Toyota Safety Sense" with all its features while the vehicle's innovations include an aluminium sliding hatch that not only provides incredible ease for loading or unloading the pick-up but also ensures complete use of its load carrying capacity up to 730 kg. This sliding rear hatch comes as standard on a pick-up for the first time.
Advanced Safety Systems
In order to ensure a safer and more comfortable ride, the Hilux 4X4 Hi-Cruiser A/T is equipped with Toyota Safety Sense active safety technologies. At the centre of this advanced system lies a Pre-Collision Prevention System (PCS) with pedestrian detection and Lane Detection Warning Asist (LDA).
Efficient Engine with Low Consumption
An exclusive version of the Hilux was manufactured for Turkey on its 50th anniversary and its “4x4 Hi-Cruiser A/T “model is launched with the 2.4 D-4-D diesel engine option. Equipped with a common-rail direct injection system, the vehicle consumes as low as 7,8 lt per 100km on average. The Hilux 4X4 Hi-Cruiser A/T produces up to 150 HP and offers 400 Nm of torque.
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