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Pozkrone: Successful as a Krone partner in Poland for 30 years

Pozkrone: Successful as a Krone partner in Poland for 30 years

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alp özler, yılnak,
11 Aralık 2020 Cuma - 14:44

22 Electric MAN Lion’s City E Buses for Swedish Malmö

Swedish operator Nobina Sverige AB has placed an order with MAN Truck & Bus for 22 MAN Lion’s City E buses and will be the first in Scandinavia. The 12-metre solobuses will be delivered in May 2021. MAN regards this first major order from outside Germany a proof of significant international interest in electric buses from MAN Truck & Bus.

22 Electric MAN Lion’s City E Buses for Swedish Malmö

The city buses are scheduled for delivery in May 2021, and will go into operation in Malmö in mid-June the same year. They will have 480 kWh battery capacity installed. Up to 88 passengers can be chauffeured around the city in the Lion's City 12 E. This high passenger capacity is due to the increased amount of space available thanks to factors such as the optimised seating area at the back. The electric bus has four additional seats in the rear and more pleasant lighting conditions. A sophisticated air conditioning system ensures a comfortable on-board temperature all year round. "Following on from the order for 17 fully electric MAN Lion's City E buses placed by the Hamburg-Holstein public transportation company, this is another major order we have received for our electric buses. We are absolutely delighted about this", says Rudi Kuchta, Head of Business Unit Bus at MAN Truck & Bus.

Nobina is With around 7,600 employees and revenue of 840 million euros, the largest bus operator in northern Europe. Every day, the company helps more than one million people in Sweden, Norway, Finland and Denmark get from A to B using public transportation. The company's bus fleet comprises around 3,700 vehicles – over 500 of them manufactured by MAN.

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