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Pozkrone: Successful as a Krone partner in Poland for 30 years

Pozkrone: Successful as a Krone partner in Poland for 30 years

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alp özler, yılnak,
30 Kasım 2020 Pazartesi - 15:16

Erg Group Of Companies Brand And Marketing Manager, Onur Kalkan: ''Transportation And Shipping Works Were Carried Out With The Trucks Produced Locally By Pi Makina''

Being Turkey's smartest way, the 1st and 3rd parts of Ankara-Nigde highway were opened on 4 September by President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. We also listened to the details regarding this from Onur Kalkan, the Brand and Marketing Manager of ERG Group of Companies, who stated that local construction equipment produced by Pi Makina within the ERG Group of Companies was used in the highway work.

Erg Group Of Companies Brand And Marketing Manager, Onur Kalkan:   Transportation And Shipping Works Were Carried Out With The Trucks Produced Locally By Pi Makina

Highlights from our interview:

“Ankara-Niğde Highway Project (ANO) is one of the complementary parts of the Trans-European Highway (TEM) Project, a regional transport infrastructure project established with the first financial support of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) in 1977, by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP). TEM project begins from Poland and reaches to Asia via Turkey. The project also covers Middle Eastern and Southern European countries. Turkey, a member of comprehensive position with 14 countries in the said project. INC is one of the important parts of TEM, South Turkey forms the missing part of the TEM network. The TEM project, which includes the Ankara-Niğde Motorway, starts from Edirne, passes through Istanbul, then reaches Adana and Gaziantep via Bolu, Ankara, Pozantı, and includes the Şanlıurfa-Habur section, which is planned to be built in the future and completed in Şanlıurfa. By the construction and commissioning of Ankara-Nigde section, a seamless Europe-Middle East transport link will be provided through Turkey as a “bridge” country. "

"A Double Lane Highway with a Total Length of 332 Kilometers"

“The highway will pass through Ankara, Aksaray, Konya, Kırşehir, Nevşehir and Niğde, all of which are located in the Central Anatolia region. The project consists of three sections: Ankara Gölbaşı-Acıkuyu Junction, Acıkuyu-Alayhan Junction and Alayhan-Gölcük Junction. According to the current design, ANO will be a double-lane road with a total length of 332 kilometers, which includes the main road and connecting roads. The project route starts in Gölbaşı district of Ankara province and then passes through Bala, Şereflikoçhisar, Evren districts, Konya province Kulu district, Kırşehir province Central district, Aksaray province Ortaköy, Sarıyahşi, Gülağaç, Ağaçören, central districts, Nevşehir province, Acıgöl, Derinkuyu districts and Niğde province central district."

"49,676 People Employed since the Beginning of the Project"

"The total length of the Ankara-Niğde Highway, whose main route is 277 kilometers, is 332 kilometers, including the connection roads. The first 30 kilometers of the main road starting from Ankara were designed as 4x2 lanes and the other kilometers as 3x2 lanes. During the construction period, the Ankara-Niğde Highway Project contributed $ 1.2 billion to the gross domestic product (GDP) and $ 2.8 billion to the country's production, and 49,676 people were employed since the beginning of the project. "

Turkey's Strategic Position Among Europe, Asia and Africa continents to Strengthen "

"Ankara-Nigde Highway Project, will complete the missing links in Turkey TEM Project and from Edirne in Turkey-Bulgaria border, Sanliurfa, near the Syrian border up to provide uninterrupted road connections. This connection will be extended to the Iraqi border when the Şanlıurfa-Habur Border Gate section is built and activated. Accordingly, the project will contribute to the improvement of the regional transport network and Turkey’s strategic position among Europe, Asia and Africa continents to strengthen. "

  "Will Strengthen Social, Economic and Commercial Relations"

“With the implementation of the project, the travel distance between Ankara and Niğde will decrease by approximately 60 km. The project will ease traffic flow as well as social between the northwest and southeast of Turkey, to strengthen economic and commercial relations. The elimination of physical barriers will contribute to the country's economic growth, commercial and logistical capacity, while providing access-controlled safe and convenient transportation between northern and southeastern provinces. "

"Will Contribute 1.6 Billion Liras to the National Economy"

“With the project, the distance between Ankara and Niğde is reduced from 4 hours 14 minutes to 2 hours 22 minutes, 220 thousand person / hour time saving will be achieved and 127 million 551 thousand liters of fuel will be saved annually. Thanks to the fuel and time savings it provides, it will contribute 1.6 billion lira annually to the national economy. With the project, carbon emissions will decrease by 318 million 240 thousand kilograms annually. With its properties, this has been designed as the local and national value in Turkey within the scope of the most intelligent way of Turkey and as intelligent transportation systems. "

"All Information is Collected by Incident Detection System"

“The Ankara-Niğde Highway collects all the information in the system by working in coordination with the locally and nationally developed central control software and event detection software. This collected information is compiled with artificial intelligence and machine learning systems. Thanks to these features of the system, operators are informed and drivers are warned in case of accidents, traffic and dangerous situations on the highway. In addition, various commands can be given to 208 cameras on the highway route with the help of the event detection system. Thanks to these commands, when a vehicle stops on the highway, when a pedestrian starts walking or when a vehicle reverses, the incident detection system detects this and reflects it on the screens, thanks to these images, operators quickly start operations. Within the scope of the operation, according to the situation and the nature of the incident, highways, traffic police, gendarmerie, medical teams, firefighters are directed to the scene. All of this coordination is carried out by the Main Control Center. ”

"Domestic Construction Equipment, Construction Machinery and Vehicles Were Used"

“Most of the 131 million cubic meters of excavation and digging work carried out in the whole project was carried out with 11 Pi Makina excavators, 24 Pi 1022A backhoe loaders and 18 Pi 1051A wheel loaders. 6 crushing and screening facilities in different locations and different sizes were established for the crushing, screening and classification processes of the stones that will be the filling material, concrete aggregate, asphalt aggregate and bedding material of the highway. Conical and vertical shaft crushers used in these facilities with an hourly capacity of 350 to 500 tons are among the special crushers developed by Pi Makina for the Highway Project. 20 Pi 3180 Graders were used for the processes such as ground preparation, filling and leveling, and plant site preparation of the 332 km-long highway.

"Transportation and Shipping Works were Carried Out by Pi Makina's 100% Domestic Trucks"

“In order to produce concrete structures on the highway, 8 Pi Concrete Batching Plants were installed at different points of the project, and the mobile concrete plant produced 1.4 million cubic meters of concrete in total for the project. Some of these concretes were used in mold concrete casting with the 100-ton portal crane specially produced by Pi Makina. The rest of the produced concrete was poured with 5 truck-mounted concrete pumps produced by Pi Makina and the construction of intersections, main road and overpass bridges, underpasses and culverts were realized. A significant portion of the trucks and tow trucks that carry out all these excavation, filling, concrete, asphalt transportation and shipping works were carried out by the trucks that Pi Makina has produced 100% domestically in recent years. A total of 52 4x4, 6x4 and 8x4 dump trucks were used in excavation and transportation works at different points of the highway. Specially for this project, 70 4x4, 6x4 and 8x4 road maintenance vehicles are produced for the operation and maintenance period of the highway; These vehicles include snow plows and sprayers, salt and solution sprinklers, road sweepers and fire trucks. In addition, Pi Makina manufactured over 9000 tons of steel constructions in the Ankara-Niğde Highway project, including Highway Service Facilities (OHT), Maintenance Operation Center Facilities (BIM), canopies, toll booths, bridge and road railings.

IVECO’nun İstanbul Yetkili Satıcı IVECO Otomotiv'den 10 Adet S-Way
Chairman Of S.S. No. 39 İnegöl Motor Carriers Cooperative, Recep Portakal: We Do A Difficult Profession, We Take Our Loads And Breath At The Delivery Address, In Rain Or Shine "
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