Another Superstructure Manufacturer we interviewed in 2019 Superstructure Manufacturers’ Meeting which was held in Turkey in 2019 was Betonstar. Betonstar International Sales Manager Bahadır Arapoğlu made an assessment of the meeting. He said that; “IVECO said that they would be able to use their own facilities for installation and provide purchasing facilities. In addition, they will have stock vehicles in their hands regarding delivery times and these stock vehicles will be made from Italy. The fact that IVECO’s offering these benefits gives an advantage to Superstructure Manufacturer.
IVECO’s aim is to increase market potential in Africa and the Middle East, in partnership with you. How do you see this? With which support of you to IVECO and with which support of IVECO to you, you can increase these markets?
As Betonstar, we are at equal distance to all truck manufacturers. Whatever the customer's preference, we have to take it and deliver it to the customer. IVECO stated that it aims to reach the end user by seeing the sales difficulties in Africa and Middle East and supporting the superstructure manufacturer there. IVECO said that they will be able to use their facilities for installation and provide purchasing facilities. In addition, in terms of delivery times in their hands, especially for the regions that want Euro 3 and right-hand drive countries will be stock vehicles, these stock vehicles will be made from Italy.
Which regions does Betonstar export to abroad?
We sell concrete pumps we manufacture all over the world, especially in North America, Europe and North Africa. We also have customers in central Africa. We also export to Saudi Arabia, the UAE and other Gulf countries.
Which manufacturers do IVECO compete in Africa and the Middle East? Are these areas of interest to you?
In the name of not specifying the brand; as an Italian company, they compete with more Germans. The same competition is seen in Turkey and Africa but in some countries IVECO quite strong. For example; IVECO is particularly strong here because of the history of the Italians in Libya. We cannot visit Libya because of the current mixed environment of Libya, but IVECO has a superiority from the past in Libya. In Tunisia, IVECO is also a more well-known brand.
Africa and the Middle East are our interests. Currently there is Nigeria, the largest economy there. We are also trying to enter the Nigerian market. After the removal of visas with the attempt of Turkey with the introduction of direct flights, Senegal began to become popular in terms of the Turkish companies. Concrete pump is not yet widely used in Africa. In such cases, whichever company goes before; then it becomes a more known brand there.
“If the delivery time is appropriate and most importantly, if the price is reasonable, there is no reason for not to be chosen”
What facilities do vehicle manufacturers need to provide you to direct the customer to IVECO or another brand?
First of all, the customer has to ask for it. We don't have to say anything if he thinks he can get the after-sales service properly in his own country. When we say there are 4-5 brands, which one would you like, if the customer says this can also be, then he looks at the job delivery time. If the delivery time is appropriate and most importantly, if the price is reasonable, there is no reason for not to be chosen.
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