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Pozkrone: Successful as a Krone partner in Poland for 30 years

Pozkrone: Successful as a Krone partner in Poland for 30 years

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alp özler, yılnak,
27 Ekim 2020 Salı - 12:58

Cargobull Telematics And Krone Telematics Set Digital Milestone

Transport companies using telematics systems from the two leading trailer manufacturers Schmitz Cargobull and Krone can now access the data provided for all their vehicles via their individual access points - regardless of the telematics hardware installed or the telematics portal used.

Cargobull Telematics And Krone Telematics Set Digital Milestone

This straightforward and extremely convenient solution is made possible thanks to a cooperation between Cargobull Telematics and Krone Telematics: both manufacturers have opened their standardized interfaces for the respective other system.

"For transport companies, the topics of standardization, data consolidation and thus open interfaces are becoming the new focus of attention", explain Ralf Faust, Managing Director of Krone Service, and Marnix Lannoije, Managing Director of Schmitz Cargobull Telematics, in a joint statement. "The continuous analysis of trailer data to support business processes is becoming increasingly important. Standardization becomes an elementary building block for holistic fleet management and reduces internal process costs significantly. Open data processing becomes highly important not only for monitoring, securing and tracking the load, but for all automation processes around the trailer. Ultimately, our customers only look for one thing: they want to retrieve all vehicle data as quickly, easily and transparently as possible in order to manage their fleets even more efficiently. This we now assure with the compatibility of Cargobull Telematics and Krone Telematics. 
Every customer can retrieve all the data they require in the preferred telematics portal. A real digital milestone for many transport companies".   

Keçiören Belediyesi Ürettiği Dezenfektanları Vatandaşlara Dağıtmayı Sürdürüyor
Zafer Kardeşlere Özel Üretim Scania
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