DAF Trucks prepares to introduce the Excellence Edition and Universal Edition models that have the exact same features with these large fleets for its Turkish customers as well. DAF Trucks claims that these vehicles will become indispensable for its customers with their fuel economy, ease of use, warranty conditions and equipment levels. Configured for all kinds of operating conditions, these vehicles aim to consolidate their success in Europe, with even more success in Turkey.
"DAF XF Consumes Much Less Fuel"
DAF Trucks officials have shared the features of the DAF XF: "DAF XF has proven itself in terms of fuel optimization and now, it consumes much less fuel. For example; when a customer that covers 120.000 km in a year, saves 4 lt of fuel per 100km, then he can save nearly 90.000 TL (Equals 15.000 Euros) in 3 years. DAF XF achieves this advantage through its aerodynamic properties, Eco mode and EcoRoll features, PACCAR MX-11 and MX-13 engines, exhaust gas post-processing systems, TraXon transmission, new drive line software, HVAC and smart air-conditioning controls."
"The Aero Package reduces fuel consumption of the tractor by optimizing its aerodynamic properties even further. The on-board Predictive Cruise Control (PCC) can predict the hills and ascents on the road to pre-determine the optimum speed and gear selections in order to minimise fuel consumption."
"Gives the Driver the Choice to Boost Vehicle's Performance"
"The eco mode helps the driver for an economic drive and gives the driver the choice to boost vehicle's performance by choosing another economy mode. When the cruise control is active, EcoRoll allows the vehicle to make a "free roll" on a downhill. Thanks to the Predictive Cruise Control, EcoRoll's functionality is improved even further and therefore helps achieve much better fuel economy. In addition, the Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) helps maintain the correct tire pressure to both save fuel and reduce tire wear."
Küfür, hakaret içeren; dil, din, ırk ayrımı yapan; yasalara aykırı ifade ve beyanda bulunan ve tamamı büyük harflerle yazılan yorumlar yayınlanmayacaktır. Neleri kabul ediyorum: IP adresimin kaydedileceğini, adli makamlarca istenmesi durumunda ip adresimin yetkililerle paylaşılacağını, yazılan yorumların sorumluluğunun tarafıma ait olduğunu, yazımın, yetkililerce, fikrim sorulmaksızın yayından kaldırılabileceğini bu siteye girdiğim andan itibaren kabul etmiş sayılırım. |