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Karsan Maintained Strong Growth Momentum in 2024!

Karsan Maintained Strong Growth Momentum in 2024!

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alp özler, yılnak,
14 Ekim 2022 Cuma - 14:46

DFDS and Ekol Logistics In Strategic Dialogue

DFDS has since 2018 operated a freight ferry route network in the Mediterranean facilitating trade between Turkey and multiple European markets via routes calling Italy, France, and Spain.

DFDS and Ekol Logistics In Strategic Dialogue

In view of geopolitical developments and supply chain security and stability, we expect Turkey’s manufacturing capabilities and trade with Europe to continue to grow in the coming years.

To further develop our ability to facilitate trade and to enhance customer offerings, a strategic dialogue between DFDS and Ekol Logistics, a major Turkish logistics company, has been initiated to explore a possible acquisition of Ekol Logistics’ international road haulage activities. Such a combination of ferry and logistics activities in the Mediterranean network would mirror DFDS’ proven northern European business model.

To ensure an efficient strategic dialogue for all stakeholders, a filing has today been submitted to the Turkish competition authorities to obtain their view on a possible acquisition. In Turkey it is customary and possible to file for clearance before transaction terms and documents are finalised.

Any possible transaction linked to the strategic dialogue with Ekol Logistics awaits among other things the outcome of the filing with the Turkish competition authorities and Board approval of transaction terms.



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