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Pozkrone: Successful as a Krone partner in Poland for 30 years

Pozkrone: Successful as a Krone partner in Poland for 30 years

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alp özler, yılnak,
29 Eylül 2022 Perşembe - 13:52

Koray Kurşunoğlu, Director of Iveco Asia Region: “With eDaily, We Produced A Solution Where Our Customers Make More Efficiency”

While IVECO exhibited its sustainable and comprehensive products on the path of 'zero emissions' at IAA 2022, Nuray Pekcan, Editor-in-Chief of My Truck Magazine, had an interview with Koray Kurşunoğlu, Iveco Asia Region Director, on the vehicles they exhibited, the opportunities they offer and their future predictions. Expressing that there are many innovations on the side of Iveco, Kurşunoğlu My Truck Magazine explained its new vehicles and services for its readers.

Koray Kurşunoğlu, Director of Iveco Asia Region: “With eDaily, We Produced A Solution Where Our Customers Make More Efficiency”



“With eDAILY, We Created a Solution That Will Provide More Efficiency For Our Customers”

“There Is A Lot Of Innovation on The Iveco Side”

Kurşunoğlu started his speech about the New eDAILY, which they introduced at the fair and was promoted as the 'game-changing vehicle', and said: "We can say that this is our most important innovation for our vehicle, this vehicle powered entirely by electric motors is the electric brother of the DAILY we know. With the new eDAILY, we have created a solution that will enable our customers to achieve greater efficiency while performing their duties in both freight and passenger transportation.” In the same way, Kurşunoğlu mentioned that they are promoting Nikola Tre, the European version of Nikola at their stands, while mentioning that the vehicles are offered both as battery electric vehicle (BEV) and fuel cell vehicle (FCEV), while another partner of Iveco on the road to decarbonization is Hyundai Motor Company. He mentions that the working prototype of eDAILY FCEV is one of the vehicles launched. In the same way, Kurşunoğlu mentioned that autonomous vehicle solutions and financial service solutions are offered, “Therefore, we can say that there is a lot of innovation on the side of Iveco.”

“It is Better to Turn to Alternative Studies”

“It is possible to see both Fuel Cell and Battery Electric Vehicle Alternatives in Nikola and DAILY”

Stating that eDAILY will be the primary reason for transition in urban missions with all the advantages it offers to its customers, Kurşunoğlu said: “When we look at the past, it is possible to see the flow. However, of course, the support and incentives of the government are as important as the wishes of the producers and customers. Whatever we do, our state should also take the initiative and support it. Unless it is supported, the transition to life takes a little longer. However, of course, it is better to go to alternative studies rather than making a single choice and putting all our energy, for example, for electric vehicles. Considering the ever-changing balances, this is necessary for brands. At this stage, it is possible to see both fuel cell and battery electric vehicle alternatives in Nikola or DAILY. The fuel cell Daily is on the schedule for the upcoming period. According to the sector, we will try to present to our sector whoever needs what, in this direction, this is our priority at the moment.”

“How Clean We Can Produce Electricity Is Also Important”

Pointing out that electricity production will increase with the increase of electric vehicles, Kurşunoğlu said: “Even when we look at our current technological tools, it is possible to see that the need is constantly increasing. Yes, the contribution of the transportation sector to carbon emissions is huge and it is trying to balance it. However, of course, it is also very important how clean we can produce this electricity.”

“Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Is Increasing Slowly”

Pointing out that there are developments in the infrastructure for electric vehicles, Kurşunoğlu said: “For example, in terms of hydrogen, this infrastructure is currently zero in Turkey. However, we observe that the electric vehicle infrastructure is gradually increasing. It's a matter of supply/demand, of course; As the number of vehicles increases, the charging stations will also increase. Years ago, even gasoline or diesel were not found at the stations in a balanced way, but we are all witnessing how the situation has changed for the moment. We think that the number of stations in electric vehicles will increase in parallel.”

“In 2023, We Will Bring Some of Our Models to Turkey and Let Our Customers Get to Know Our Vehicles”

Indicating that they plan to bring at least two or three models of the vehicles they exhibited at the fair in the first quarter of 2023, Kurşunoğlu said: “We will enable our customers to get to know these vehicles more closely. This will allow us to receive important feedback so that we can configure the right tools. When the time is right, we want to be ready to present these vehicles to Turkey. DAILY is a model that is already appreciated and appreciated by customers. We believe that eDAILY will give us a chance to be a good alternative to the panel van in the 3.5 ton chassis as well.”

“Everybody Will Get Great Benefits When We Look at the Big Picture”

Pointing out that the most important thing is the total cost of ownership, Kurşunoğlu said that; “Although everything does not seem like a plus on paper, when we look at the big picture, we can say that everyone will benefit greatly from it. The total cost of ownership in our environmentally friendly, state-of-the-art products also provides an advantage to users. I think that these advantages will increase with the support and incentives that can be provided by the state.”

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