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Pozkrone: Successful as a Krone partner in Poland for 30 years

Pozkrone: Successful as a Krone partner in Poland for 30 years

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alp özler, yılnak,
1 Ağustos 2022 Pazartesi - 15:34


Delivery news.



Alp Logistics, which is one of the leading logistics companies in Turkey with its modern fleet of 130 vehicles and has preferred Krone quality since 2007, has received an order for 10 Profi Liner from Krone. Alp Logistics company owners Güngör Akkaya and Hasan Akkaya and Domestic Logistics General Manager Mesut Öndeş attended the ceremony held at Krone's Tire factory. The ceremony was accompanied by Krone Commercial Vehicles General Manager Kartal C. Erköy, Turkey Sales Manager Ömürden Özacar and Istanbul Regional Sales Manager Kemal Sungar. A plaque was presented to Alp Logistics officials by Kartal C. Erköy.

Güngör Akkaya said in his statement at the ceremony that; “As Alp Logistics, we attach great importance to quality, we saw Krone's production process and quality understanding on site. While we were growing our fleet, we preferred Krone, which proved itself in terms of quality, durability and longevity. Krone analyzes the needs of the transportation sector and offers solutions for this; it meets our needs with its robustness, reliability and vehicles equipped with high technology. We believe that we will carry our service quality even higher with the 10 Profi Liner trailers we have added to our fleet today. As Alp Logistics, we will make larger fleet investments in the coming period.”


Mayor Altay: “We Bring The Greatest Buses Of Turkey To Our City”


MAN Truck and Bus Trade Inc delivered 18 buses as the first part of the order for 71 Lion's City buses to Konya Metropolitan Municipality, which was planned in the first place, with a ceremony held in Konya. At the ceremony, the symbolic keys for the delivery of 11 solo and 7 articulated buses were presented by MAN Truck and Bus Trade Inc. General Manager Kazım Tuncay Bekiroğlu to the Mayor of Konya Metropolitan Municipality Uğur İbrahim Atay.

Konya Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Uğur İbrahim Altay said in his speech that; “We have brought the most beautiful buses of Turkey, of domestic production, of which we are currently sharing the first stage, to our city.”He also thanked the officials of MAN Truck and Bus Trade Inc. for their coordinated and successful work from the first day.

Drawing attention to the superior qualities of MAN vehicles, Kazım Tuncay Bekiroğlu, General Manager of MAN Truck and Bus Trade Inc, said in his statement; "All these privileges represented by the MAN brand, will now live in Konya with these buses we have delivered," and he conveyed his wishes for good luck to the people of Konya.


Iveco authorized dealer Iveco Automotive delivered 8 of Daily 50C18 minibuses, 8 of 35S16 Hi Matic double cabin pickup trucks, 1 of Daily 35C16 pickup truck and 1 of 70C16 truck, which were sold to Pegasus Airlines, the country's largest private airline company.

In their speech, Pegasus officials stated that the vehicles will be used for apron services at airports, for cabin crew transfers and also for freight transport. In a ceremony held later, IVECO Automotive officials presented a plaque to Pegasus officials. Administrative Affairs Senior Specialist Erdem Fırat, Administrative Affairs Support Specialist Murat Arslan, Administrative Affairs Official Murat Akdeniz attended the ceremony, representing Pegasus, while Light and Medium Vehicle Sales Manager Özer İşler and Sales Representative Serhat Uygun attended on behalf of Iveco Automotive. Making a speech at the ceremony, Özer İşler stated that they have a long-standing relationship with Pegasus and that they wish this to continue.


Tırsan has delivered 6 of Awning Curtainsider Multi Rides to its new business partner Beşli Logistics. Beşli Logistics preferred Tırsan to provide the best service to its customers, whom it sees as a member of the family rather than a commercial relationship.

Beşli Logistics, which provides complete, partial and transit transportation from the Balkans to the Middle East, has received 6 of Awning Curtain Multi Rides from Tırsan.

Tırsan, which fully meets the needs of its customers in the sector with the widest product range in Europe, continues its deliveries at its Adapazarı factory. To the delivery ceremony held by Tırsan; Beşli Logistics Company Owner Ahmet Beşli, Administrative Affairs Manager Mine Erarslan, Operations Manager Cem Bağlan and Tırsan Trailer Sales Coordinator Ertuğrul Erkoç attended.

Beşli Logistics: “We offer the best service to our customers, whom we see as a member of our family”

In his speech at the delivery ceremony, Beşli Logistics company owner Ahmet Beşli said that; “As Beşli Logistics, we have been operating in a very wide area from Europe to Asia, from the Balkans to the Middle East as of 2011. In addition to export and import cargo transportation, we also successfully carry out the transportation of third country cargo groups, which are transported in transit through Turkey. We make long journeys on long distances in our partial and complete transportation operations both at home and abroad. Accordingly, the reason why we started working with Tırsan is that: Tırsan vehicles are the right choice for long distances with their fuel savings and durability. As a company, we see our business partners with whom we have started working together not as customers, but as members of the Beşli Logistics family, and we are in favor of blending commercial relations with sincere feelings. We prefer Tırsan in order to provide the best service to our customers, whom we consider a member of our family.”

Features of Tırsan Awning Curtainsider Multi Ride

Tırsan Awning Curtainsider Multi Ride vehicles have an adjustable fifth wheel height with a double suspension system and do not distinguish between tractors. In this way, it can be matched with all tractors, especially both pony and semi-pony tractors.

Tırsan Awning Curtainsider Multi Ride trailers have the K-Fix load safety system and Code XL load safety certificate, which allows connection from a total of 236 different points on the telegraph, each with a capacity of 2.5 tons, in order to carry the load safely. On the other hand, the chassis and steel parts of the vehicle should be coated with cataphoresis (KTL) according to the zinc tri-electron method.

Offering 5 different interior net options, fast loading and unloading convenience thanks to its mechanical roof lifting system, Tırsan Awning Curtainsider Multi Ride offers its customers maximum efficiency thanks to its side sliding curtain and sliding roof feature. Thanks to its base resistant to 7.2 tons forklift axle load, it provides maximum floor resistance in ramp loading. Tırsan Awning Curtainsider Multi Ride is the right solution for our customer who carries out international freight transportation with full compliance with Customs Legislation rules.


With the addition of Volvo Trucks' vehicles, which stand out with their fuel efficiency, power and durability, to the fleet, the total fleet of Beylik Forest Products has reached 45.

Beylik Forest Products Chairman of the Board Murat Karahasanoğlu, Finance Manager of Beylik Forest Products Financial Advisor Serkan Ünal and Volvo Trucks Field Sales Manager Ufuk Ulus attended the delivery ceremony.

Murat Karahasanoğlu, Chairman of the Board of Beylik Forest Products, said about 15 of Volvo FH 500 tractor trucks they purchased with the financial support of VFS Finance Inc. (Volvo Finance) that; “In this cooperation, we preferred the Volvo Trucks brand because of the power, durability, safety equipment and comfort it offers to the driver. We are very excited as we will be using Volvo tractors for the first time. The driving training we received on this occasion was also very beneficial for us. When all this comes together, we are very pleased to expand our new vehicle fleet with the Volvo Truck brand and we hope that our business partnership will continue for many years.”


What Happened This Month?
Tırdan Düşen 3 Tonluk Borular, Arkadan Gelen Aracı Hurdaya Çevirdi
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