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Karsan Maintained Strong Growth Momentum in 2024!

Karsan Maintained Strong Growth Momentum in 2024!

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alp özler, yılnak,
5 Aralık 2022 Pazartesi - 13:29

Great Investment from Murat Logistics

Murat Logistics, one of the leaders of domestic food logistics, and Gencer Kasa, the on-board equipment manufacturer, signed an ATP-FRC certified superstructure supply agreement for 400 vehicles.

Great Investment from Murat Logistics

Murat Logistics, one of the leaders of food products logistics across Turkey with its refrigerated fleet consisting of Özmal trucks and tow trucks, has signed a new cooperation with Gencer Kasa for the refrigerated superstructures of its new 400 trucks. Providing domestic logistics and distribution of meat and meat products, milk and dairy products, bakery products and traditional food products to leading retail stores, Murat Logistics continued its vehicle investments without slowing down and again preferred Gencer Kasa on-board equipment.

Murat Yüksel, CEO of Murat Logistics, Celal Yüksel, Member of the Board of Directors, Ayhan Gencer, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Gencer Kasa, and important names of the logistics industry attended the ceremony held in Tuzla Organized Industrial Zone.

Murat Yüksel, CEO of Murat Logistics, said the following about the subject that; “Our company, which primarily carries out frozen food, ice cream, delicatessen, out-of-home consumer goods and market products, supplies 75% of its needs for on-board equipment, safes, air conditioners and lifts from Gencer Kasa, which is an expert in its field and continues its professional growth uninterruptedly. With the awareness of the importance of the changes and obligations in the regulations on the transportation of foodstuffs, our cooperation with Gencer Kasa in the supply of ATP-FRC Certified on-board structure since the beginning of the implementation will also inspire our industry.

Stating that 400 new superstructure agreements have been signed with the vehicles that have already started operations and new procurement projects, Murat Yüksel said that; "Murat Logistics is among the leading companies in Turkey by successfully completing more than 20,000 operations per day with its fleet of 5,500 vehicles and 6,000 employees. We anticipate increasing our turnover by 35% by the end of 2022. In our plans for 2023, we allocated 1 Billion TL of investment resources for the supply of vehicles and vehicle superstructure. Thus, we aim to increase our fleet by 15%.”

Ayhan Gencer, Chairman of Gencer Kasa Board of Directors, made the following statement by saying that; “Murat Logistics has been using Gencer Kasa equipment since the changes in the ATP-FRC certified vehicle superstructures law implemented by our state came into effect. During our 8-year cooperation, we have supplied superstructure equipment for 500 vehicles of Murat Logistics. In line with their satisfaction, we are proud to provide a total of 400 new equipment, which was delivered from our superstructures with ATP-FRC type approval certificate and is still in production. The delivery of all equipment will be completed in the first quarter of

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