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Pozkrone: Successful as a Krone partner in Poland for 30 years

Pozkrone: Successful as a Krone partner in Poland for 30 years

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alp özler, yılnak,
13 Eylül 2018 Perşembe - 16:50

Hydraulic axle from SAF-HOLLAND for difficult terrain

The SAF INTRA CD TRAK additional drive from SAF-HOLLAND is now available as a standard production item. With this, the supplier for commercial vehicle components takes the next step in the production of its hydraulically driven axle. SAF INTRA CD TRAK has been proven in active use and brings the power directly into the trailer thanks to the additional drive.

Hydraulic axle from SAF-HOLLAND for difficult terrain

Reliable, durable and easy to install: With the SAF INTRA CD TRAK axle from SAF-HOLLAND an
economically viable alternative to all-wheel drive tractor units goes into production. The axle already
received the Trailer Innovation award at IAA 2016. “We have been relying on our hydraulically
driven SAF INTRA CD TRAK for over two years and are pleased to have moved it into production now. This will allow us to support even more customers on challenging terrain,” says Elmar Weber, Product
Manager OE Europe at SAF-HOLLAND. SAF INTRA CD TRAK is equipped with an integrated hydraulic additional drive which brings the required power directly to the trailer.

Mastering great challenges with ease
With a hydraulically driven motor, SAF INTRA CD TRAK supports tractor units on hills and on difficult terrain. Tippers and vehicles which are used onroad and offroad at construction sites or landfills particularly benefit from the additional power. The axle is optimised for trailers in the 9-ton standard range. The complete system consists of the proven SAF-HOLLAND INTRA CD suspension with integral technology and is equipped with a control that is adapted to the integrated motor.

When required, the driver can activate the additional drive by simply pressing a button in the tractor unit to improve traction. SAF INTRA CD TRAK automatically detects the direction of travel and reacts independently
to the requirements: If the vehicle brakes are activated or the maximum speed – which depends on
the tractor hydraulics – is exceeded, the axle automatically activates the free-wheeling mode. When
the speed is reduced, for example due to a lack of traction, the drive automatically switches on again.

Easy retrofitting
Trailers which are already in operation can also benefit from SAF INTRA CD TRAK, as its packaging space corresponds to that of the standard trailer axles from SAFHOLLAND.
Questions on the conversion and implementation can be answered by the experienced consultants from the supplier for commercial vehicle components. Wear parts such as brake pads and discs, air springs and wheel bearings are identical to those from the INTRA series. This allows workshops to use spare parts for
both axle types.
The SAF INTRA CD TRAK range series, which is now in production, focuses on offroad use for specific transport requirements in the construction industry. Thanks to reinforced shock absorbers and the integrated additional drive, it masters even challenging terrain with ease.

For more information, please visit www.safholland.com

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