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Pozkrone: Successful as a Krone partner in Poland for 30 years

Pozkrone: Successful as a Krone partner in Poland for 30 years

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alp özler, yılnak,
12 Eylül 2018 Çarşamba - 13:39

Knorr-Bremse Wins Multiple Commercial Vehicle Industry Awards

Knorr-Bremse AG, the global market leader for braking systems and a leading supplier of sub-systems for rail and commercial vehicles, has won the Automechanika Innovation Award in the Truck Products & Services category. The Company also won the jury’s special Green Award prize.

Knorr-Bremse Wins Multiple Commercial Vehicle Industry Awards

Knorr-Bremse has won multiple commercial vehicle industry awards at the leading trade fair Automechanika in Frankfurt. The distinguished members of the Automechanika Innovation Awards jury chose the EAC electronic air treatment system as the winner of the Truck Products & Services category. In recognition of its efforts in the field of sustainability, the Company also received the jury’s special Green Award prize for the same solution.
According to Wolfgang Krinner, Member of the Management Board of Knorr-Bremse Commercial Vehicle Systems: “Our EAC system has been chosen as the most groundbreaking truck product from among the 5,000 or so exhibitors from all over the world at Automechanika. This is a great tribute to the innovativeness of our company. EAC is an intelligent, highly-integrated product that cuts costs for our customers by reducing energy consumption. In addition, by taking back old products for remanufacturing, we are able to achieve aftermarket savings of up to 75 percent in the CO2 emissions compared to a new product. This is one of the highest percentages in the industry.”

Automechanika Innovation Award for EAC electronic air treatment system
The entries for the Automechanika Innovation Awards are judged on innovativeness, the excellence of the solution, functionality, aftermarket relevance, safety and quality, as well as on their contribution to environmental protection, resource efficiency and sustainability. Knorr-Bremse’s EAC incorporates the air dryer, multi-circuit protection valve, pressure regulator and – if required – electronic parking brake, as well as the compressor controller. While conventional controllers supply compressed air to the system regardless of the driving situation, the EAC’s intelligent electronics ensure that times when kinetic energy is available from the vehicle are prioritized for supplying air from the compressor. This enables annual savings of up to 1,250 liters of fuel.

Moreover, service technicians can replace not only entire EAC modules, but also individual components, thereby significantly reducing resource consumption.

Best PROFI Werkstatt brand 2018
Knorr-Bremse has been voted “best PROFI Werkstatt brand 2018” in the braking systems category for the third time in a row. The award, which is based on a readers’ poll conducted by PROFI Werkstatt, a trade magazine, is an important indicator of satisfaction and trust among workshops and technicians in the aftermarket sector. In addition, the Alltrucks Trucks & Trailer Service workshop system, which is operated by Knorr-Bremse in conjunction with ZF and Bosch, received this award for the first time in the multi-brand vehicle diagnostics category and the second time in a row in the workshop concepts category. All of the awards were presented on September 11, 2018. According to Alexander Wagner, Head of Sales & Marketing Aftermarket EMEA at Knorr-Bremse Commercial Vehicle Systems: “We are especially delighted to receive the “best PROFI Werkstatt brand 2018” award, as it shows that we are delivering on our brand promise. In keeping with our slogan ‘Keep it running’, we ensure that vehicles run reliably and economically throughout their entire life cycle. Workshops benefit from our needs-based maintenance, repair and diagnostics solutions, as well as from our extensive know-how.”


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