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Pozkrone: Successful as a Krone partner in Poland for 30 years

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alp özler, yılnak,
17 Eylül 2021 Cuma - 11:36

IRU And ETF Welcome New EU Funding For Safe And Secure Truck Parking Areas

IRU, the world road transport organisation, and ETF, Europe’s Transport Workers’ Federation, have welcomed the European Commission´s launch of a call for proposals to access €100 million in CEF funding to improve the network of safe and secure truck parking areas (SSTPAs) across the European Union.

IRU And ETF Welcome New EU Funding For Safe And Secure Truck Parking Areas

With only 300,000 truck parking spaces currently available in the EU, there is a significant shortfall of 100,000 spaces to meet total demand. Only 7,000, or less than 3%, of existing parking places in the EU are in certified safe and secure areas.

As EU road transport social partners, IRU and ETF have urged additional support to improve conditions in the sector, and appreciate that the EU has heard and acted upon their joint call.

Investment priorities include the development of new SSTPAs approximately every 100km along the TEN-T core road network and upgrades to safety, security and services in existing rest areas, in line with the EU-funded study on EU Parking Standards that IRU participated in.  

Raluca Marian, IRU’s Director of EU Advocacy said: “This new dedicated EU funding for SSTPAs is excellent news for the commercial road transport industry. We are looking forward to a maximum deployment of new parking projects and call on Member States to work closely with interested parties to apply to the EU’s call for proposals. This opportunity can make a huge difference for drivers and operators in the coming years.”

Cristina Tilling, ETF’s Head of Land Transport said: “Sufficient safe and secure parking areas, provided with adequate facilities, will certainly be a step towards the improvement of driver conditions in the road sector, so we can only welcome this initiative.” 

IRU and ETF will continue to work closely together, in the framework of the European social dialogue, to support EU truck parking standards and promote the creation of new and upgraded SSTPAs across Europe. Both IRU and ETF trust that this call for proposals will be replicated by similar annual calls under the Connecting Europe Facility as well as under the EU Cohesion Fund to meet the EU commitment for over €600 million in funding over three years.

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