Here, haulage companies and businesses offer free parking spaces on their premises, which can then be conveniently booked by drivers and dispatchers via app. To support this programme, Krone is now providing four parking spaces: two at the new vehicle delivery facility at the Werlte plant and two at the Krone site in Spelle.
All components required for participation in the programme are available through KRAVAG: from the smartphone app for the driver to the web application for the dispatcher to the access technology for the company premises. Truck drivers whose haulage companies belong to the KRAVAG Truck Parking network can reserve a space with just a few clicks and gain access to secure parking spaces with toilets and showers.
Erich Kraft, head of delivery in Werlte, says regarding the cooperation: "We are happy that we can support this important project and want to underline our appreciation for the truck drivers. That's why Krone is offering these four places free of charge."
KRAVAG board member Jan Dirk Dallmer welcomes Krone as a new member of Truck Parking: "As an insurer, we see the consequences of the lack of parking spaces every day: professional drivers have to spend far too long looking for a space for the night. There is a risk of driving time violations, overtiredness and accidents. Thanks to Krone, the nationwide parking network is now even tighter."
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