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Karsan Maintained Strong Growth Momentum in 2024!

Karsan Maintained Strong Growth Momentum in 2024!

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alp özler, yılnak,
1 Şubat 2024 Perşembe - 09:55

Investments Made in the Field of Digitalization and Institutionalization and Their Effects were Discussed at the Alp Özler Group Consultation Meeting!

Alp Özler Lojistik Inc., which provides logistics services to big brands such as Coca-Cola, Pepsi and Trendyol, held the '2023 Alp Özler Consultation Meeting' in Kızılcahamam on 15-16-17 December with the participation of 177 people. At the meeting held to honor the company's past successes and lay solid foundations for the future, the 50th anniversary of Yılnak Project and Heavy Transport Services Inc. was also celebrated with great pride and joy.

Investments Made in the Field of Digitalization and Institutionalization and Their Effects were Discussed at the Alp Özler Group Consultation Meeting!

At the meeting, the board of directors, chaired by Alp Özler Logistics Chairman Dursun Gece, shared the latest trends in the industry, the company's future plans and sustainable growth strategies with the participants. Board Members Alper Gece, Mücahit Kürşat Gece, Fatih Afşin Gece and Ceyhun Gece also took their place on the stage with their teams and explained the companies and their operations within the Alp Özler Group for the participants. The meeting, where the personnel serving in different units and locations in the company met each other, was also supported by a training sequence that will improve the professional skills of the company employees. The meeting ended on the third day with the training given by TRT announcer and educator Erdoğan Arıkan.

Dursun Gece, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Alp Özler Logistics;



Dursun Gece, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Alp Özler Logistics, detailed the topics brought up at the meeting for the readers of My Truck Magazine, and also stated that they were proud and happy to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Yılnak Project and Heavy Transportation Service.

 “Our Meeting Achieved its Intended Purpose”

Stating that they took a break from the meeting traditions they started in 2010 during the pandemic period and that they were happy to continue this tradition with the '2023 Alp Özler Consultation Meeting' held this year, Gece said that; “My grandson continues to run Yılnak Project and Distribution Inc.. At this meeting, we celebrated the 50th anniversary of Yılnak Inc. It was also a source of pride for us. We will continue our tradition in the coming years. In this meeting, we aimed to bring together and meet our staff working in different locations and units. We held our meeting for three days and two nights with a good participation. Our meeting achieved its intended purpose.”





“We Left Behind a Good Year for Us”

“The effects of 2023 will Continue in the First Half of 2024”

Stating that 2023 is a good year on behalf of Alp Özler Group, Gece said that; “It has been almost a year since the disaster of the century we experienced for our country, we hope that our country will heal its wounds in a short time. We have left behind a good year in terms of business. In addition, I believe that some of the problems experienced in 2023 will continue, especially in the first half of 2024. However, I believe that the situation will change and stability will come in the second half. Everything will slowly start to get in order. However, some problems such as lack of access to loans and high rates still continue.”

“We Provided Certain Amounts of Electric Vehicles to the Pepsi Group”

“Turkey's Youngest Fleet Belongs to Us”

Concluding his word by stating that they also carry out certain studies on behalf of a green world, Gece said that; “We have another company as Alp Özler Filo. We also included electric vehicles in the vehicles we rent in our fleet. In this regard, we gave certain amounts of electric vehicles to the Pepsi group. With these initiatives, we aim to make positive contributions to the environment and carbon emissions. Turkey's infrastructure is not currently sufficient for heavy vehicles, but the work continues rapidly. Improvements in battery life will become more evident in the coming years. We will continue our structuring accordingly. We hope to implement this transformation in our heavy vehicles as soon as possible. Until then, we will continue to maintain our existing fleet in the same way. We are currently the youngest fleet in Turkey. The average age of the vehicles in our fleet is not even one!”


Yılnak Project and Heavy Transport Service General Manager Ömer Gece;




Ömer Gece, General Manager of Yılnak Project and Heavy Transport Service, who celebrated its 50th anniversary in December, stated that their half-century adventure was crowned with a year full of success and shared their new investments for our readers. Stating that they started to provide open space storage services in a total area of ??56 decares in Izmir and that they also brought special equipment with serious investments from Belgium and Germany, Gece underlined that the investments they made were not only in financial terms and also emphasized the importance they gave to human resources.



“This Point of the Half-Century Adventure is a Source of Pride”

Starting his speech by saying that they were proud to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Yılnak Proje and Heavy Transport Service, Gece said that; “We celebrated our 'Golden' anniversary in 2023. The point we have reached in a half-century adventure is a source of pride for both me as the third generation and the entire Gece Family. Our hope is to continue this for many years to come. It was also a matter of pride for us that our 50th anniversary coincided with the 100th anniversary of our Republic.”

“We Make New Investments, Acquire New Branches of Companies, and Enter into New Business Partnerships Every Year Within the Group”

Providing the details of the meeting for our readers, Gece said that; “177 of our personnel attended our meeting, in which all our Group companies participated. Every year, we make new investments within the group, acquire new company branches, and enter into new business partnerships. Our number of employees is also increasing at this rate. Our staff in different units and locations sometimes do not have the opportunity to meet face to face or cannot fully master the operation of another unit. With these meetings, we both enable our staff to meet each other face to face and enable our responsible units to share their services with others. In this way, we find ways to help each other, produce integrated solutions in different projects, and make a difference.”


“It's Been the Year of Sustainability, Digitalization and Adaptation to the Energy Sector”

“We Brought Special Equipment with Serious Investments from Belgium and Germany”

Continuing his words by saying “For us, 2023 has also been the year of sustainability, digitalization and adaptation to the energy sector. We achieved our goals.”, Gece said that; “We offer project transportation and heavy transportation services within Yılnak. However, what makes us uncompetitive in the sector is that we attach great importance not only to financial investments but also to human resources. In this regard, we attend university career days, special conferences, etc. and conduct talent hunting. We provide opportunities to our young friends who want to make a career in this field and who have successfully completed their schooling. We do not consider our work as just transportation, we see it as engineering work. We continued to increase our employment in 2023. In addition, there has been a serious investment in wind energy in our country this year. Wind energy has an important place in line with certain goals. However, wind is a complicated structure, both its cost and investment are difficult. In order to carry 100-meter wings, weighing between 20-40 tons, to points where there is no road, a strong team, a strong team of engineers and special equipment are required. We brought this special equipment with very serious investments. We made serious investments in two different suppliers in Belgium and Germany. We also bought Mercedes and Volvo brand tractors for these, which are not available in Turkey. These are all specially configured tractors. We have accomplished successful projects in the transportation of wind turbines, together with the investments I mentioned and our qualified human resources. We also continued to transport the rigs in oil exploration wells in Turkey.”





“We are Shaped According to the Needs of Our Customers”

“We Established Our Open Area Storage Facility of 56 Decares in Total in Izmir”

At the same time, giving the good news that they have made an investment in the field of storage in Izmir, Gece said that; “Yılnak is a company that focuses on the needs of its customers, always adopts being their solution partner and continues its investments in this direction. We are shaped according to the needs of our customers. In this direction, as the production of energy companies increased and exports gained momentum in the same way, an area was needed to store these large-volume blades. In line with this need, we established our open area storage facility of 56 decares in total in Izmir. Our agreements were completed and we started to provide service.”

“The Sector is Evolving on Sustainability and Digitalization”

“We Are Making Serious R&D Investments in the Name of Digital Transformation”

Commenting on the development of the sector, Gece continued his words as follows; “The sector is evolving on sustainability and digitalization. In other words, companies that invest in digitalization will survive, but those that do not are doomed to decay. We see that the industry is undergoing a complete digital transformation. As both Alp Özler Group and Yılnak, we are making serious R&D investments in this field. We established a digitalization team with a serious budget. We cooperate with start-up ideas in different fields. We evaluate new ideas for digital transformation and work with our colleagues in the field of engineering. We are constantly improving our systemic software.

“We Will Convert All of the Vehicles Used by Our Staff to Electric in 2024”

“We Installed Electric Charging Stations in Our Offices in Seven Regions of Turkey”

Stating that he believes that the creation of sufficient infrastructure for the transformation to electric vehicles will be completed before 2030, Gece said that; “We will see electric vehicles on the roads more than diesel vehicles before 2030. We continue our investments in this field. The conversion of the vehicles we provide to our personnel to electric vehicles has begun. Our goal is to convert all vehicles used by our staff to electric by 2024. We have currently installed electric charging stations in our offices in seven regions of Turkey. Our staff can also charge their own vehicles here for free. In this way, we believe that we have created a sense of responsibility and set an example for both our customers, stakeholders and competitors.”

“2024 Will Be Similar to 2023”

Finally, sharing his expectations for 2024 for our readers, Gece said that; “We have been experiencing an increase in inflation in Turkey for almost the last three years. I don't think this trend will change suddenly. 2024 will be similar to 2023 and may even get a little worse. However, in this process, it is very important to be in the right place at the right time and to plan the work and budgets correctly. We act by making predictions in our weekly meetings with our finance managers. However, I do not want to be too negative, I believe in the power of discourse. I hope it will be a good year for both our country and all our companies.”


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