İzmit Municipality had received 58 Iveco vehicles, which are: 7 Eurocargo 180e32k garbage trucks, 7 Eurocargo 100e19k garbage trucks, 7 Eurocargo 180e32 sprinklers, 3 100e19k sprinklers, 3 Eurocargo 100e19 vacuum road sweepers, 1 100e 19 basket platform, 12 Eurocargo 150e21k garbage trucks, A total of 58 Iveco vehicles were delivered, including 5 70c16 Daily garbage trucks, 4 Eurocargo 180e32k Crane garbage trucks and 9 open-body Daily.
Making the first speech at the ceremony, Mayor of İzmit Fatma Kaplan Hürriyet said that; “As a mayor who drives her own official vehicle and meets all needs by out- of – pocket expenses, including gasoline, we said, let's buy a service vehicle, not an office vehicle. We decided to buy all of our vehicles, which were rented but paid a significant amount of money to serve, and thus we started a saving of 1 million Turkish liras every month. Today, our municipality has a very strong vehicle fleet.
On behalf of Iveco Turkey, Light and Medium Commercial Vehicle Sales Manager Erkan Ersan and Regional Sales Manager Çağatay Akyol presented a plaque to commemorate the day to Mayor of Izmit. Erkan Erşin, after sharing the information about the Iveco brand, said that; “Today we are very pleased to deliver 58 vehicles to be used for various missions. Each of the delivered vehicles has superior product features in their segment. We are sure that Izmit Municipality will be satisfied with the vehicles delivered today and I promise that we will not leave them alone in after-sales services. I wish this cooperation to be beneficial for both parties and I offer my deepest respect to everyone.”
Suha Yılmaz, Product Manager Responsible for Iveco Daily and Eurocargo, who was present at the ceremony, gave detailed information about the products to the authorities. The program ended with the passage of the vehicles purchased by Izmit Municipality through the ceremony area.
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