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6 Haziran 2018 Çarşamba - 16:16


Highly renowned for its innovative products and investments, Koluman Automotive Industry continues to reflect its ambition in the construction sector with its JUNJIN concrete pumps it distributes.


As an annually regular participant of the Beton Fair that helps construction and ready-mixed concrete sectors meet, Koluman Automotive Industry once again took its place at this year's fair. We've met Koluman's Sales and Marketing Manager Serdar Durmaz at their spectacular stand at the fair. Durmaz has stated that they came to the fair with their 38-meter and 43-meter concrete pumps and indicated that following their license agreement with the JUNJIN brand under their distribution, they've locally manufactured their 38 and 52-meter concrete pumps at their Yenice/Tarsus Factories.

Durmaz has stated that they've also began manufacturing the armoured cabins of the 8x8 trucks and tractors for Turkish Armed Forces. He said: "Our goal is to make deliveries to TAF with our own brand and as Koluman, we want to say that we're at the foundation of all major structures."

"We Manufacture Locally"

Durmaz has reminded that as Koluman, they've been the distributor of JUNJIN concrete pumps since 2005 and said: "We import 6 types of concrete pumps that include 25-meter, 38-meter, 42-meter, 47-meter, 52-meter and 57-meter pumps. Until 2012, we brought these concrete pumps to Turkey as complete KİTs, installed them on Mercedes-Benz trucks and sold them. In 2012, we've signed a license agreement with JUNJIN and we began installing its 38-meter concrete pump. Since then, we've been manufacturing the 38-meter and 52-meter pumps locally at our Yenice Tarsus Factory."

"Our Goal Is to Achieve 32 Percent Market Share"

Durmaz has also mentioned the advantages of the concrete pumps they manufacture and sell: "Here is our advantage; our pump does not have a completely hydromechanical and electronic structure. Due to its lack of electronics, it requires less maintenance and it is likely to malfunction fewer times. That's why it is very popular in South Eastern and Central Anatolia where maintenance and repair services are hard to offer. We have a continuously growing trend in our concrete pump sales we began in 2005. Currently, our market shares are at 27 percent and for this year, our goal is to achieve 32 percent market share."

"It Has a Strong Main Pump and Compatible with All Types of Concrete"

Durmaz has explained how they've ensured the durability, lightweight and fuel economy of their concrete pumps: "We use the highest quality metal sheets for the metal components of the booms, which provides lightweight in return. In addition, our concrete pumps operate at low rpm on the truck. It has a strong main pump and compatible with all types of concrete. It has features that allows it to be easily used in all kinds of operations. It is both light and durable. In terms of using certain connection equipment, these are features that support the importance of the durability of the hydromechanical system."

"We Regularly Provide Trainings"

Durmaz has stated that they train their customers about the use of the concrete pumps and continued: "Following the sales process, we deliver the vehicle at the customer's site and regularly train their operators. Our after-sales services department visits our customers on a regular basis and we offer this service to customers that we find necessary."

Durmaz has also talked about their sales and marketing systems: "At our regions, we have colleagues in charge of sales and we carry out regular customer visits. We're not just strong in South Eastern and Eastern Anatolia. We're also strong in the Aegean and Central Anatolia regions and we have quite a lot of concrete pumps at these regions."

"We're A Shareholder of Mercedes-Benz Türk AŞ"

Durmaz has stated that Mercedes-Benz comes to mind when talking about Koluman and continued: "As Koluman Holding, we have 7 percent of the shares at Mercedes-Benz Türk AŞ; however, we also have other companies that operate in different areas. Koluman Motor Vehicles is our company that provides Mercedes-Benz Türk's sales and service shop services in four regions. The main field of activity of Koluman Automotive Industry A.Ş. factory in Tarsus Mersin, however, is production."

"We've Invested 300 Million Tl To Our Tarsus Factory"

"Since 2015, we've invested 300 million TL to Koluman Automotive Industry. As part of that investment, our factory in Mersin Tarsus has expanded from 22 thousand square meters to 70 thousand square meters of indoor space. The factory is established on a total of 312 thousand square meters of area. We've increased our annual production capacity to 8 thousand units and we have 700 employees. As Koluman Automotive Industry, we have 4 main fields of activity. We can list these as; construction sector, logistics sector, public and defence industry solutions. We manufacture products like concrete pumps, solo and tipper trailers and mixers for the construction sector. We have semi-trailer group products as well as tanker solo and trailer products for the logistics sector. We have road sweeping vehicles, salt layer and snow blade products for the public sector. Again, we manufacture very different products for the defence industry. We offer joint solutions with ASELSAN and Roketsan. We participate in the creation of the first national missile launch vehicle.  At this point, we've manufactured the platform and ramp on the Zetros model. Roketsan designed the rocket part while ASELSAN developed its electronics.  In addition, we offer various products for the defence industry, ranging from the container carrier vehicle equipped with abrollkipper hydraulic unit and the Aircraft refueller that delivers fuel to F16 and tank vehicles."

"We're the First R&D Centre of Mersin"

"Our factory is also the first R&D Centre of Mersin. Each year, we allocate 3 percent of our turnover to R&D. Our engineers design our products at our factory that houses our R&D Centre. We have 6 utility models; 3 registered and 3 in application stage. This year, we're planning on making 5 patent applications."

"Our Export Goals Are Very Important"

"Currently, we export 20 percent of the products we manufacture. Our export countries include Russia, North Africa, Iraq, Syria, Azerbaijan, Turkic Republics and Algeria. Among these countries, we make the biggest exports to Russia. On top of all these, our goal is to export 50 percent of our products until 2020."







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