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Pozkrone: Successful as a Krone partner in Poland for 30 years

Pozkrone: Successful as a Krone partner in Poland for 30 years

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alp özler, yılnak,
23 Haziran 2020 Salı - 09:24

Karsan's Autonomous Bus Will Serve in Romania

Exporting the electric public transport vehicles produced in Turkey to the world, Karsan received its first order for Autonomous Atak Electric, for which it announced the start of works to provide autonomous driving characteristics. BSCI, one of the technology companies of Romania, ordered one Autonomous Atak Electric to be used within the Industrial Park in Ploeşti. Autonomous Atak Electric, which will provide pilot service in a defined area, will be delivered to BSCI by the end of the year.

Karsan s Autonomous Bus Will Serve in Romania


Being the only independent multi-brand car manufacturer in the automotive industry for more than 50 years in Turkey, Karsan received its first order for Autonomous Atak Electric, for which it started to Level 4 autonomous driving works within the scope of cooperation with another Turkish company, ADASTEC, in a short period of time. BSCI, one of the technology companies of Romania, ordered one Autonomous Atak Electric to be used within the Industrial Park in Ploeşti province of the country. Autonomous Atak Electric, which will provide pilot service in a defined area, will be delivered to BSCI by the end of the year. Karsan, which has accomplished many important firsts in the field of technology, will realize the first autonomous project sales in Europe in the 8 meter class with the delivery it will make to Romania.

“First Order from Europe to Autonomous Atak Electric”

Mentioning that despite the New Type Corona virus (Covid-19) epidemic that influenced the world, the innovative production excitement in the Karsan family continues; Karsan CEO Okan Baş said that; “At Autonomous Atak Electric, which we aim to provide level-4 autonomous driving features, we attracted the attention of Europe in a short time and received our order from BSCI, one of the important technology companies of Romania. This order strengthens our belief in the project. Autonomous Atak Electric, the prototype of which will be completed in August, will be the first electric bus with autonomous driving characteristics adapted to real road conditions. In addition, with this order, which we plan to deliver by the end of the year, we will be selling the first autonomous project in Europe in the 8 meter class. While continuing our work without slowing down with our pioneering approach in sustainable transportation solutions, I hope that we will survive the epidemic that affects the world as soon as possible and regain healthy days.

Level-4 Autonomous Will Be Integrated

In the project to be realized by Karsan's R&D team, Atak Electric will be equipped with Level-4 Autonomous driving features. Within the scope of the project, Karsan cooperating with the Turkish company ADASTEC, which carries out studies on autonomous vehicles, plans to complete the first Autonomous Atak Electric vehicle at the prototype level in August. The test, simulation and validation studies of Atak Electric, which will develop autonomous driving features by integrating Level-4 Autonomous software developed by ADASTEC into Atak Electric's electrical-electronic architecture and electric vehicle software, will continue until the end of the year.

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