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Pozkrone: Successful as a Krone partner in Poland for 30 years

Pozkrone: Successful as a Krone partner in Poland for 30 years

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alp özler, yılnak,
7 Mayıs 2021 Cuma - 15:38

Kögel Telematics Adopted As Standard Equipment: Smart Trailer Deployment Now Even Easier

For the occasion of the virtual transport logistic exhibition from 4th to 6th May 2021, Kögel has announced that all trailers built by the trailer manufacturer from June onwards will be equipped with Kögel Telematics as standard. This gives fleet operators maximum transparency and full cost control.

Kögel Telematics Adopted As Standard Equipment: Smart Trailer Deployment Now Even Easier

From June onwards, all Kögel trailers will be equipped with Kögel Telematics, the brand’s very own trailer telematics system, as standard. “We made this decision with the current and future requirements of the trailer industry in mind. We are handing our customers a powerful that gives them complete control over the status of the trailer fleet and load, as well as operating costs,” explains Massimo Dodoni, Managing Director of After Market / Value Added Services / Business Development in Extra-European Markets. “By doing so, we are making good on our company motto: ‘Economy meets Ecology – Because we care’.” The customer and their needs are the central focus at Kögel.
Through optimised, forward-looking service and maintenance processes, Kögel Telematics helps customers reduce fleet costs and thus deploy trailers even more economically. Keeping trailers in fault-free technical condition optimises the fuel consumption of the tractor unit. This reduces emissions of CO2 and other harmful substances.

Kögel Telematics features open interfaces to all conventional telematics portals

Thanks to the open interfaces of Kögel Telematics, even operators with mixed fleet of trailers can get a convenient overview of all their telematics data – regardless of their preferred telematics portal. “Standardised, open interfaces and compatibility with third-party systems alone ensures efficient fleet management,” says Dodoni.

Real-time access to numerous trailer data

Kögel’s very own trailer telematics service, known as Kögel Telematics, is a system that has been specially designed for Kögel trailers. The inexpensive, highly modern and reliable Kögel trailer telematics system provides real-time access to EBS, tracking, cooling, tyre and trailer data. What's more, the Kögel Telematics Connectivity database not only allows all the acquired data to be displayed in the clear, self-explanatory web portal and other fleet management systems, but also to import it – in real time – into existing processes and a host of software systems. The Kögel Telematics web portal or any other mainstream system can be used to evaluate this data as needed.
It also allows alarms to be set in the Kögel Telematics web portal, which inform the forwarding company, workshop or fleet manager about defined deviations from the set parameters via SMS or email, as required – whether it’s a deviation of the vehicle from the set route (geofencing) or a deviation from the target temperature.

Kögel Telematics available for all types of Kögel trailer

Depending on the trailer type, there are different telematics packages with various data transfer options, optional hardware equipment and pricing.

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