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Pozkrone: Successful as a Krone partner in Poland for 30 years

Pozkrone: Successful as a Krone partner in Poland for 30 years

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alp özler, yılnak,
19 Eylül 2022 Pazartesi - 13:53

QUANTRON Unveils Longest-Range Hydrogen And Electric Trucks Based On Newly Developed Platforms

Under the motto "People and Goods on the move", this year's IAA Transportation from 20th to 25th September 2022 in Hanover will focus on the sustainable switch to alternative drives for logistics and transport. As a technology and platform partner for OEMs, Quantron AG is one of the pioneers in the industry and offers conversions of diesel vehicles to battery and hydrogen-electric drives as well as the sale of its own zero-emission vehicles.

QUANTRON Unveils Longest-Range Hydrogen And Electric Trucks Based On Newly Developed Platforms


At this year's transport and commercial vehicle show, QUANTRON is presenting a number of zero-emission commercial vehicles which are based on the two self-developed hydrogen and battery-electric platforms respectively, and are currently among the vehicles with the longest operating ranges.

Hydrogen Truck World Premiere at IAA: QUANTRON QHM FCEV Platform

As part of a strategic partnership, QUANTRON has developed an FCEV Heavy Duty Truck together with one of the world's leading hydrogen experts Ballard Power Systems. The QUANTRON QHM FCEV stands out through the use of state-of-the-art components, including the FCmove™-XD 120 kW fuel cell newly developed by Ballard and the integrated eGen Power® 130D E-axle from Allison Transmission, a world leader in drive systems. In addition, QUANTRON offers an optionally available aero package for all QHM FCEV trucks which has been desi gned to improve the operating range by a further 10%.  

As a tractor unit for heavy long-distance transport, the QUANTRON QHM FCEV 44-1000 makes a very impressive case through a set of unique selling propositions:

An operating range of around 700 km depending on the load and topographical requirements

  • Integration of all components within the frame structure for maximum everyday suitability - in compliance with legal requirements and without any compromises in the dimensions
  • Application of the ISO directive for tractor-trailer combinations to ensure interchangeability of semitrailers and tractor units at national and international level
  • Long-distance driver's cab
  • Hydrogen tank of about 54 kg fully integrated in the chassis
  • Optimized H2 consumption through specially developed intelligent Q-ENERGY management system
  • Maximum efficiency in the interaction between E-axle, fuel cell, high-voltage battery and 24V as well as HV auxiliary consumers
  • Available for immediate order and delivery in Q2 2023

Further highlight: semitrailer tractor version on the same basis for use in Norway:

QUANTRON QHM FCEV 60-2000 and QUANTRON QHM FCEV 44-2000 stand out from the competition through their exceptionally large tank capacities of up to 116 kg, which are fully integrated in the chassis and positioned behind the cab. This will enable ranges of up to 1500 km with a single H2 tank filling.

Under the designation QUANTRON QHM FCEV 27-1000, this configuration will also be available as a road train version for long-distance heavy load transports.

New electric truck platform: QUANTRON QHM BEV

As another world first, QUANTRON is presenting an all-electric heavy-duty truck platform at the IAA Transportation: the QUANTRON QHM BEV is available as the QUANTRON QHM BEV 44-400 tractor unit as well as the QUANTRON QHM BEV 27-400 chassis in a large number of variants. The up to 392 kWh high-voltage battery can be re-charged to provide a performance of up to 350 kW DC has an operating range of up to 350 km depending on weight and topographical requirements. The QUANTRON QHM BEV is already available for order.

For body manufacturers, the vehicles from Quantron AG offer the highest degree of standardization and body-friendliness. With a basic vehicle that is known to body manufacturers throughout Europe, many bodies can be installed and used as is usually the case without any problems.

Regarding the heavy QUANTRON QHM BEV vehicles in particular, electrification takes place without changing the power take-off technology in the area of "engine-dependent power take-off" or "gearbox-dependent power take-off". Even the position and installation space of the power take-offs and frame mountings remain the same. As a result, QUANTRON offers body manufacturers an optimal interface and solution that is unique in this segment. At the QUANTRON IAA Transportation stand, visitors can the inspect the body-friendliness at first hand on the exhibits on display.

Other zero-emission highlights: QUANTRON QLI FCEV and QUANTRON CIZARIS 12 EV

With the QUANTRON QLI FCEV, QUANTRON is also presenting a light truck equipped with a Ballard Power hydrogen fuel cell drive that has an operating range of up to 500 km. This is now available to order in the 4.2 to 7.2 tonne class. The quiet and emission-free transporter can be used flexibly and for a wide range of applications thanks to its different body variants, in particular for longer distance tours but also for the last mile.

On the VanSelect partner stand, the all-electric QUANTRON QLI BEV transporter of 3.5 to 7.2 tonnes is on display and is the ideal zero-emission solution for intra-urban tasks in towns and municipalities. As a 3.5 t lightweight variant, this is characterized by its efficiency and suitability for everyday use, and designed to accommodate payloads of up to 1,000 kg (depending on the body). Classified as an N1 vehicle, it can already be driven with a Class B driving license and does not require any additional certificates.




QHM FCEV 60-2000*


Continuous engine power

400 kW

400 kW

400 kW

400 kW

Max. engine power

550 kW

550 kW

550 kW

550 kW

Max. range

up to 700 km

up to 700 km

up to 1100 km

up to 1500 km

Tank volume

54 kg

54 kg

116 kg

116 kg

Battery capacity

118 kWh

118 kWh

118 kWh

118 kWh

Fuel cell power

240 kW

Up to 240 kW

240 kW

240 kW

Axle configuration

4x2, 6x2

4x2, 6x2




Q2 2023

Q2 2023

Q3 2023

Q3 2023



Likewise being presented is the QUANTRON CIZARIS 12 EV. With its proven battery and traction technology, the all-electric bus offers a reliable, low-noise and environmentally friendly mobility solution with an operating range of up to 370 km (according to SORT 2).

 Technical data





Continuous engine power

375 kW

375 kW

Max. engine power

Up to 350 km

Up to 350 km

Max. range

280-392 kWh

280-392 kWh

Tank volume

20-80 % SOC in less than 1 h

20-80 % SOC in less than 1 h

Battery capacity

350 kW DC

350 kW DC

Fuel cell power

3600 mm

3600 mm

Axle configuration

4x2, 6x2

4x2, 6x2

*All data refer to the current status September 2022. Quantron AG reserves the

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