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Pozkrone: Successful as a Krone partner in Poland for 30 years

Pozkrone: Successful as a Krone partner in Poland for 30 years

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alp özler, yılnak,
21 Nisan 2020 Salı - 12:20

Krone Awarded 'Best Logistics Brand For Trailers And Bodies

From now on, Krone can call itself "Best logistics brand in the category trailers and bodies". This is the result of a large reader survey conducted by the trade magazine "Logistik heute" and the Bundesvereinigung Logistik e.V. (BVL) in December 2019. In the period from December 13 to February 29, 2020, a total of 26,567 votes were cast. More than 250 brands were up for voting in twelve categories.

Krone Awarded  Best Logistics Brand For Trailers And Bodies

The categories cover large areas of logistics, such as "Vans and delivery vans", "Trailers and bodies", "Rail transport services", "IT for warehouse management", "Contract logistics services" and also "Freight exchanges". The brands were nominated by an independent nomination committee headed by Prof. Dr. Christian Kille, logistics expert at the University of Würzburg-Schweinfurt. The nomination was based on brands that generate the highest sales in their category in Germany and are particularly relevant for the German market.

Due to the current situation Krone received the award by post; in Werlte Dr. Frank Albers, Managing Director Marketing & Sales, accepted the award on behalf of the entire Krone team. "We are very happy about the award. Especially in the difficult overall situation, the choice of the best trailer and body brand is an important confirmation that we have obviously taken the right path with our strategy of positioning ourselves as a service provider for everything to do with trailers. We are very grateful that the majority of supply chain managers, logistics managers and experts in the German-speaking countries chose us with a clear lead over the top. We see this choice as additional motivation, and we promise that we will continue to work hard to offer our customers smart and also economical solutions," says Albers.

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