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Pozkrone: Successful as a Krone partner in Poland for 30 years

Pozkrone: Successful as a Krone partner in Poland for 30 years

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alp özler, yılnak,
7 Haziran 2019 Cuma - 09:24

Krone Smart Capacity Management Wins Green Truck Trailer Innovation!

Yesterday evening, Krone received the Green Truck Trailer Innovation Award for Smart Capacity Management. The jury thus praised the sustainable increase in transport efficiency made possible by the use of Smart Capacity Management. Dr. Frank Albers, Managing Director Sales & Marketing, accepted the award on behalf of the entire Krone team

Krone Smart Capacity Management Wins Green Truck Trailer Innovation!

Krone Smart Capacity Management is an information exchange platform connected to a freight exchange where digital data is received from the sender and then forwarded to the shipper and the consignee - and vice versa. The currently available payload and loading area, type and quantity of goods as well as the current location are determined from the digital data of the Krone telematics system installed in the trailer in conjunction with the electronic braking system, load space recognition and load carrier sensor system, and compared with the data from the transport orders offered by the freight exchanges in real time. The freight forwarder receives additional transport proposals for goods according to the "either-or principle", which are displayed in the Krone telematics portal for booking. When a transport order is booked, the digital delivery note data is transferred directly to the ERP systems of the parties involved in the shipment during the journey of the trailer. This ensures the best possible utilisation of the trailer and increases transport efficiency, i.e. empty runs are avoided, available loading capacities are used and CO2 is saved. Krone will also be presenting Smart Capacity Management from 4 to 7 June at the "transport logistic" trade fair in Munich.

The Green Truck Trailer Innovation Award (semi-trailer/trailer) was presented for the first time on the eve of "transport logistic 2019"; the jury is made up of editors from the renowned trade journals VerkehrsRundschau and Trucker.

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