The four 10.8m Enviro200 each have 39 comfortable ADL SmartSeats and are fully fitted with seatbelts and an audio system to suit their use on school contracts, sports trips and rail replacement work.
Like all of London Borough of Havering’s vehicles, the new buses run on gas-to-liquid (GTL) fuel which is virtually free of impurities such as sulphur, metals, nitrogen and aromatics, making it less harmful to the environment and allowing the engine to run more smoothly and quietly.
Simon Blake from the London Borough of Havering said: “We’re very pleased to take delivery of these vehicles which have been made specifically to complement our existing fleet and offer the kind of transport options we know our customers want. Alongside the three PSVAR Plaxton Leopard coaches supplied in January, our move to Euro 6 compliance gathers pace.”
ADL Sales Account Manager Mark Taylor added: “The London Borough of Havering has an extensive range of vehicle options and we’re delighted to have added to that with the delivery of these four high-quality, multi-use vehicles which we know will be well received by their customers and drivers. The selection by a local authority for its contract hire fleet underlines the versatility of our British-built Enviro200.”
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