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Pozkrone: Successful as a Krone partner in Poland for 30 years

Pozkrone: Successful as a Krone partner in Poland for 30 years

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alp özler, yılnak,
9 Kasım 2018 Cuma - 14:53

New 10t axle for SAF MODUL suspension

Combined with the SAF MODUL air suspension system, SAF-HOLLAND for the first time is supplying a 10t axle with 120 mm offset, which is available to order now. The intelligent new wheel end design is particularly robust and provides a weight advantage which the commercial vehicle supplier will also be using on its 9t axles from the SAF INTRADISC plus INTEGRAL series.

New 10t axle for SAF MODUL suspension

The new 10t axle with 120 mm offset, which SAF-HOLLAND supplies with the SAF MODUL suspension, is based on state-of-the-art design methods and test bench trials. It exploits the advantages of a rim with offset – including a better protected position for the brake disc and lower space requirements – on vehicles with a 10t axle load. Combined with the new BI10 axle, the suspension is suitable for all driving heights and applications with a 10t axle load. For the new axle, SAF-HOLLAND has developed a matching wheel end with the new BI10 wheel end design, which is significantly weight-optimised.

"We are also going to transfer the weight benefit of the new wheel end design – four kilos per axle – to our 9t SAF INTRADISC plus INTEGRAL series. This will further strengthen our position also in the standard segment", says Mark Hartmann, Head of Product Management at SAF-HOLLAND. Current plans are to introduce the update for the 9t class in the first quarter of 2019. The two-part brake disc of the SAF INTRADISC plus INTEGRAL, which protects the material and significantly increases the life of the disc, is still unique in the trailer market. Thanks to the special design, fleets benefit from less wear and tear over longer mileage, as well as
greater planning certainty, efficiency and economy.

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