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Pozkrone: Successful as a Krone partner in Poland for 30 years

Pozkrone: Successful as a Krone partner in Poland for 30 years

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alp özler, yılnak,
24 Ekim 2019 Perşembe - 09:02

New landing gears from SAF-HOLLAND

SAF-HOLLAND expands its landing gear range: The robust SAF Hercules is now also available in the SAF Hercules Compact version, especially for low-loaders, heavy duty transport vehicles and volume vehicles. The new SAF swivel leg guarantees a high ground clearance for central axle trailers while the proven SAF drop leg completes the landing gear range.

New landing gears from SAF-HOLLAND

Landing gears from SAF-HOLLAND have proven successful in daily use of commercial vehicles and are used worldwide – in the moderate temperatures of Central Europe as well as in freezing cold or searing desert heat. Thanks to their high quality, they have a long service life, function reliably and allow economically
efficient operation. The landing gears are easy to operate with little effort, facilitating the daily hitching and unhitching of trailers. “Our landing gears have an excellent international reputation. We are now expanding our portfolio with new models for different areas of application,” says Elmar Weber, Product Manager OE Europe at SAF-HOLLAND.
SAF Hercules Compact: small landing gear with large lift
The new SAF Hercules Compact features a compact design and a large lift. The continuous SAF rear plate allows the landing gear to be attached in different ways. It can easily replace previously used devices if required. Just like its “big sister”, the proven SAF Hercules, the compact new product manages loads of up to 24,000 kg. SAFHOLLAND offers a three year warranty for both versions. While the SAF Hercules is designed for standard vehicles such as flatbed and cooling trailers, the Compact version is intended for users of lowloaders and volume vehicles.Both models have an impact-resistant external gearbox which makes inspections easy. A special sealing allows the landing gears to be used in rough conditions and protects against environmental influences and stone impact. QR codes on the landing gears help with ordering spare parts: The QR code reader in the SH CONNECT app allows users to simply scan the label. They can then use the Parts on Demand (PoD) electronic spare parts catalogue to directly order the required spare part on a table or smartphone.

The SH CONNECT app is available as a free download for Android and iOS devices on the Google Play Store and Apple App Store. The spare parts catalogue is available at pod.safholland.com.

Swivel leg for rigid drawbar trailers
The SAF swivel leg especially for central axle trailers is also new. It has a compact design with a low height. Your rear plate is either welded or bolted on. With the swivel function, the new leg provides a large ground clearance for rigid drawbar trailers and facilitates coupling of close-coupled central axle trailers. The lift
capacity is 4,000 kg, with a static load of 8,000 kg. A special coating provides the swivel leg with long-term protection against stone impact and environmental influences.

Convenient, height-adjustable SAF drop leg
The proven SAF drop leg completes the landing gear range from SAF-HOLLAND. The drop leg was developed for tippers, tank trailers and silo trailers and is therefore particularly robust with a low weight. It is suitable for static loads up to 15,000 kg per leg or 30,000 kg per set. The prerequisite is that the tractor unit has a rear axle with air suspension. The height of the foot can be adjusted easily and the drop can be set and adapted variably in small steps – fast and easy handling
in any weather.

The SAF drop leg features the high SAF-HOLLAND quality: Its materials and components, such as high-strength steel and robust pull handles, are highly durable. The large support foot is welded to the base plate on four sides. The 3D mounting plate at the top is lightweight and a surface sealing on the top prevents ingress of dirt and water.

1,000 Kögel trailers in just five years
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