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Karsan Maintained Strong Growth Momentum in 2024!

Karsan Maintained Strong Growth Momentum in 2024!

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alp özler, yılnak,
13 Nisan 2022 Çarşamba - 10:52

Our Target Is To Complete Our Trailer Number To Thousands In The Middle of 2023

As My Truck Magazine, we continue our negotiations with logistics companies. In this context, ABC Logistics Chairman of the Board, Ergun Bilen, gave details about ABC Logistics. We also talked with Bilen about the investment of 100 IVECO S-WAY vehicles that ABC Logistics has just received. Details are here…

Our Target Is To Complete Our Trailer Number To Thousands In The Middle of 2023

Ergun Bilen, Chairman of ABC Logistics,


Indicating that ABC Logistics was founded in 1992 and they started to use it actively by obtaining C2 certificates in 1995, Ergun Bilen also said that they are constantly making new investments in accordance with customer satisfaction and quality policies, and that they will continue their investments without slowing down to support the future of the country. Stating that they received the first batch of 100 tractor units at Çırağan Palace, Bilen said: “At the point we have reached now, we have 450 tractors and more than 600 trailers. Our goal in the middle of 2023 is to complete our trailer number to one thousand. The three main elements of logistics culture in the realization of the strategy and goals of the Turkish logistics sector; quality culture, safety culture and innovation culture. We aim to be a new source of inspiration for the logistics industry by combining our approach that combines mind, emotion and consciousness with our experience and expertise.'

“ABC Everywhere”

Stating that ABC Logistics, headquartered in Kayseri, has a 90,000 m2 garage, 45,000 m2 warehouse in Kayseri and offices in Istanbul, Mersin, Germany and Italy, Bilen said that; "We mainly transport to EU and Asian countries. We provide logistics services to our customers in the field of food, groupage, furniture, machinery, machinery parts and fast express transportation services, as well as road transportation, heavy cargo transportation (Lowbed), dangerous goods transportation, driving transportation, container transportation, intermodel and combined transportation.”

“ABC Logistics Offers Low Cost and Environmentally Friendly Solutions”

Emphasizing that ABC Logistics is always ready to stand by its customers with its solution-oriented approach, operational experience and unlimited workforce potential in domestic and international road transport, Bilen said that; “We provide partial and complete vehicle transportation services between Turkey and Asian countries. We prioritize operational excellence in order to provide the fast service required by air transport. As in other international logistics services in which we operate, we maintain our service and solution-oriented approach in air transportation. ABC Logistics offers low-cost and environmentally friendly solutions to its customers with this mode of transportation, which is carried out using two or more modes of transportation with the same transportation vehicle or container, and in which the loads in the vehicle or container are not subjected to any handling during mode changes.”

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Dinçer Lojistik Hackathon Başlıyor
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