In addition to its existing base in Istanbul, P&O Ferrymasters will develop a comprehensive network across the strategically vital country by opening offices in Izmir on the Aegean coast, the capital city Ankara, Mersin on the south coast, Bursa in the Marmara region and Gaziantep near the border with Syria.
Murat Bog, Freight Management Director at P&O Ferrymasters, said: “This expansion will further strengthen our capacity to deliver solutions for customers across both Europe and Asia – the world is getting more complex and we are at our best when we solve the most difficult logistical challenges.”
“At present we offer freight and intermodal services between Europe and Turkey, combining land routes, short sea connections and road-rail routes. We plan to build on our schedule of daily departures to and from Azerbaijan, Georgia, Iraq, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan to make Turkey our central hub for customers accessing the entire Middle East, Russia and Ukraine.”
In Turkey, P&O Ferrymasters works with companies in sectors including fast-moving consumer goods, retail and textiles. At present it uses its 45’ high cube container fleet and this year plans to incorporate trailers into its operations.
P&O Ferrymasters is a leading pan-European provider of logistics solutions. The company serves 20 strategic locations in 13 countries across the continent, operating integrated road, rail and sea links via a fleet of more than 5,000 trailers and containers.
The company is part of P&O Ferries, which sails on nine major routes between Britain, France, Northern Ireland, the Republic of Ireland, Holland and Belgium. It operates more than 20 vessels which carry 8.4 million passengers and 2.3 million freight units every year. P&O Ferries is part of DP World, the leading enabler of global trade and an integral part of the supply chain.
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