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Pozkrone: Successful as a Krone partner in Poland for 30 years

Pozkrone: Successful as a Krone partner in Poland for 30 years

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alp özler, yılnak,
29 Nisan 2020 Çarşamba - 12:24

Rules For Road Transport Announced Between 4-17 May İn Italy

On 26 April, the Italian Prime Minister announced the “Phase 2” rules, applicable from 4-17 May, by way of DPCM 26 April 2020. Many of the rules currently in force will be maintained.

Rules For Road Transport Announced  Between 4-17 May İn Italy

Concerning road transport and logistics, relevant information is the following:

· Art. 2.7: Companies whose activity must be suspended following modifications to ATECO codes listed in Annex 3 must complete the shipment of goods in stock by 30 April.

· Art. 2.9: Companies whose activity can restart following modifications to ATECO codes listed in Annex 3 can undertake reopening preparations from 27 April.

· Art. 3.2: The obligation for passengers to wear a face mask while being in publicly accessible indoor areas and on public transport does not apply to children under 6 years of age nor to people with disabilities which are not compatible with wearing a mask.

· Art. 4.2: Before boarding, transport companies must check traveller’s body temperature and transport documents. Boarding is refused in cases of fever or incomplete documentation. Transport companies must guarantee a minimum of 1m separation between travellers. Transport companies must supply travellers with appropriate personal protection equipment (masks, gloves) in case they don’t have them.

· Art. 5: Rules and procedures for people entering or transiting through Italy for work – the current rules continue to apply.

· Annex 6, point 3 of the Protocol for Covid-19 containment: guidelines for the access of third party suppliers to companies’ premises:

- Companies must identify entry, transit and exit procedures for their suppliers. Those procedures must consider itineraries and timings, with the aim of reducing contact between suppliers and company personnel.

- If possible, drivers must stay on board the vehicle. Drivers cannot access the company offices. Concerning loading and unloading activities, the minimum 1m distance must be observed.

- The company must designate or install toilet facilities for third party drivers/suppliers, separated from those used by its employees. Daily cleaning must be ensured.

- In cases where the company carries out own account transport, workers’ security must be ensured at all times.

· Annex 8: Protocol for road transport and logistics sector (adopted on 20 March).

· Annex 9: Protocol for public transport (adopted on 14 March).

İtalya’da 4-17 Mayıs Tarihleri Arasında Karayolu Taşımacılığında Geçerli Olan Kurallar Açıklandı
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 Onay bekleyen yorum yok.

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