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Karsan Maintained Strong Growth Momentum in 2024!

Karsan Maintained Strong Growth Momentum in 2024!

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alp özler, yılnak,
16 Mayıs 2023 Salı - 11:08

SAF-HOLLAND Turns Smartphones Into Workshop Assistants

Axle, smartphone app and NFC chip – that is all that will be needed to quickly and reliably identify parts. For fast and reliable repairs, SAF-HOLLAND will be using the Near Field Communication (NFC) technology in its SH CONNECT app in the future, turning smartphones into workshop assistants.

SAF-HOLLAND Turns Smartphones Into Workshop Assistants

When a trailer is brought into a workshop, the mechanics often have to do detective
work: It is often not directly obvious which of the installed parts on the axle come
from which manufacturer. And if the semi-trailer comes in directly from a journey,
the dirty underbody can make it even more difficult to identify the installed products.

Fast part detection using NFC chips

For all cases where the previously standard QR Code on the suspension cannot be scanned or no inspection pit is available, SAF-HOLLAND already uses the widely accepted Near Field Communication (NFC) technology. The NFC chips are installed in both hub caps of the axles, reliably protected against external influences. The chips are read out with the SH CONNECT app. If the application is open and the NFC function is activated, the smartphone will detect the NFC chips at a distance of a few centimetres. The app provides users with all available product information, such as installation, operation and repair instructions as well as certificates and brochures, documentation and videos for correct installation and removal of the identified product.

NFC technology saves time, costs and manpower

The unambiguous identification of spare parts is key to be able to carry out a repair correctly and quickly. Near Field Communication prevents parts from being mixed up during ordering and the ensuing delays when parts
ordered in error have to be returned or exchanged. Workshop employees no longer have to browse through catalogues or update spare parts lists – the SH CONNECT app always provides the most up-to-date information. That saves time, costs and manpower, increases safety and ensures that trailers can return to the road quickly.

Into the digital world of axles with a smartphone

Workshops and haulage companies do not have to purchase any hardware or software. In addition, information from within the app can be shared with third parties via email or chat, which can prevent input errors. The only prerequisites for accessing the digital world of axles are a smartphone and Internet access.

Higher service quality with the SH I.Q. Portal

The new SH I.Q. Portal is another digital product from the SAF-HOLLAND Group. It stands for “Intelligent Quality” and bundles all available information relating to SAF-HOLLAND products to offer more service quality. This includes, for example, the electronic Parts on Demand spare parts catalogue (I.Q. POD) and the I.Q. Service Report as an online form. In the I.Q. Training section, customers can find e-learning sessions to supplement or prepare for in-person training. The I.Q. Knowledge Center database is a central point of contact where users can use the smart search function to quickly obtain the desired information and technical documentation for the SAF, Holland, V.Orlandi and York brands. The new customer portal is available at https://portal.safholland.com/


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