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Karsan Maintained Strong Growth Momentum in 2024!

Karsan Maintained Strong Growth Momentum in 2024!

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alp özler, yılnak,
27 Mart 2023 Pazartesi - 09:45

Delivery News

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Delivery News


Making a difference in the travel sector with its award-winning buses, MAN continues to deliver buses to well-established companies in the sector from east to west of Turkey. İzmir-based Fulya Tourism, which is engaged in tourism transportation, has strengthened its fleet with 3 of 2022- Sustainable Bus Award winner MAN Lion's Coach vehicles within the scope of new vehicle investments. Being one of the leading companies of Bingöl and serving its passengers with the slogan "Has Service is Everywhere the Sun Rises", Öz Has Bingöl preferred MAN for its new vehicle investment and added 2 award-winning Lion's Coaches to its fleet.

Offering many privileges such as safety, comfort, advanced technology, economy and sustainability, Lion's Coach offers passengers a unique travel experience with its superior features. In the new tourism season, Fulya Tourism, a long-established company in the transportation sector of the Izmir region, which wants to offer this unique travel experience to its customers, has strengthened its fleet with the award-winning MAN Lion's Coach buses. The company, which carries out tourism transportation in İzmir and Seferihisar regions, added 3 MAN Lion's Coaches to its fleet as part of new vehicle investments. MAN Truck and Bus Trade Inc. Bus Regional Sales Coordinator Emrah Albustanoğlu and Fulya Tourism owner Hüseyin Kocaer, company officials Mustafa Kocaer and Efe Kocaer attended the delivery ceremony held at MAN Facilities in Ankara Akyurt.

We are Ready for the New Tourism Season with Brand New MAN Lion's Coaches”

Speaking at the ceremony, Hüseyin Kocaer, owner of Fulya Tourism, stated that they are happy to strengthen their fleet with new buses before the season and said that; “We are entering a tourism season with high expectations. As a tourism transportation company, we are ready for this new tourism season with our brand new MAN Lion's Coach buses. MAN is a very important brand that we trust in companionship with both vehicle quality and after-sales services. For this reason, we preferred MAN for our new vehicle investment. With the last 3 new buses we bought, the number of MAN buses in our fleet has increased to 5.”

Öz Has Bingöl Will Provide the Service with MAN Lion's Coach

Another company that preferred the award-winning Lion's Coach was Öz Has Bingöl, one of the important companies of the Eastern Anatolia region. Öz Has Bingöl, the leading travel company of Bingöl, which provides quality service to its passengers with the slogan "Has Service is Where the Sun Rises", preferred MAN for its new bus investment. The company added 2 MAN Lion's Coaches with 2+1 seats to its fleet with a ceremony held at the MAN Facilities in Ankara Akyurt. At the ceremony, MAN Truck and Bus Trade Inc. Bus Sales Regional Manager Ufuk Demirer, company owner Garip Çağdaş, delivered the symbolic MAN key to his team and captains.

Giving information about why they preferred MAN Lion's Coach at the ceremony, Garip Çağdaş said: We saw MAN Lion's Coach buses on the roads and liked them very much. In line with the preference and demand of our team and captains, we preferred MAN for our new bus investment. MAN Lion's Coach has become an interest in the sector with its modern designs, comfortable passenger seats, high safety standards, economical fuel and operating costs. We also reviewed these award-winning buses and liked them very much. We have added 2 Lion's Coaches to our fleet for comfortable and comfortable travels of our people. May our new buses be beneficial to our fellow citizens and all our passengers, for whom we are trying to give the best of the service.

“The Prestigious Awards It Has Received Justify The Interest in Lion's Coach”

Emphasizing that the interest in MAN Lions Coach continues to increase, MAN Bus Regional Sales Coordinator Emrah Albustanoğlu and Bus Sales Regional Manager Ufuk Demirer said that; “Receiving the 'Coach of the Year' award in 2020, Lion's Coach sets itself apart from its competitors with the many privileges it offers. At the beginning of these are safety, comfort, superior technology and economy. Last year, it received the Sustainable Bus Award (Sby Award) 2022- Sustainable Bus Award in 2022 with the sustainability feature it added to all these superior qualities. These prestigious awards from global platforms and its superior qualities make Lion's Coach the choice of travel companies from one end of our country to the other.”


İzbeton-İzmir Büyükşehir Belediyesi, Kaya Dolgu, Ocak Taşı, Hafriyat Taşıması İçin Nakliye Hizmeti Alacak
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