The Schaeffler Group is a leading global integrated automotive company. The company makes a key contribution to “Mobility for tomorrow” with high-precision components and systems in engine, transmission and chassis applications. Based in Langen, Germany, The Automotive Aftermarket division is responsible for Schaeffler’s global spare parts business. Its four product brands – LuK, INA, FAG, and Ruville – and REPXPERT, its service brand for garages, stand for technical excellence, intelligent solutions and outstanding services.
The Turkey team strives to achieve the highest customer satisfaction in Turkey, attaching great importance to trainings to create a value-added service with the support given by the Schaeffler Automotive Aftermarket through its high-quality products and services. In line with this effort, Schaeffler Automotive Aftermarket's Turkey Technical Team held training courses attended by about 1,400 people, including garage professionals and retailers, to give them an insight into Schaeffler's superior products and services. Schaeffler's presentations about LuK, INA, FAG and Ruville brands introduced new products and provided detailed theoretical and practical information on operational principles and failure diagnosis of the products.
Schaeffler organized training sessions by considering the specific needs of the customers. Training sessions were held in the Schaeffler Technology Center in Istanbul and in many cities including Istanbul, Ankara, Adana, Izmir, Konya, Samsun, Gaziantep, Bursa, Antalya, Trabzon, Denizli, Kayseri and Manisa. Barış Kayahan, Senior Manager of Technical Services at Schaeffler Automotive Aftermarket, remarked: "We will maintain our proven training sessions in 2019 to increase the technical competencies of our customers and provide them with up-to-date information on Schaeffler products.”
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