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Karsan Maintained Strong Growth Momentum in 2024!

Karsan Maintained Strong Growth Momentum in 2024!

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alp özler, yılnak,
24 Haziran 2021 Perşembe - 12:35

Scheuerle Expands Platform Vehicle Series Through The K25L

When developing the new modular K25 L platform vehicle, SCHEUERLE focused on the transport safety aspect of loads with a high centre of gravity. A relevant requirement especially regarding the future-proof transport of components for increasingly more powerful wind turbines.

Scheuerle Expands Platform Vehicle Series Through The K25L

The K25 L also scores very favourably
through maximum stability when transporting construction machinery or plants. The energy industry is developing increasingly more powerful wind turbines. The increased dimensions and, in particular, the related high centre of gravity of the load require an extremely stable means of transport with an especially low loading area. SCHEUERLE, a subsidiary of the TII Group owned by the Rettenmaier family from Heilbronn, has developed the modular K25 L series platform vehicles for ensuring the maximum stable and flexible transport of such products. The addition of L (Low) in the type designation indicates the particularly low platform height along with the use of larger tyres. K25 L track width currently unique in the vehicle segment
The track width of the K25 L is 2100 millimetres along with an external width of 3,000 millimetres which is over ten per cent more than competitors´ products can offer. Due to its large track width, the K25 L considerably reduces the risk of accidents caused by overturning when transporting wind tower segments with large
diameters and thus greatly enhances work safety levels. 2/3 Low platform height despite larger tyres
The technically possible axle load of the K25 L is up to 23 tonnes or up to 13.9 tonnes at 80 km/h. In addition, the tyres used are larger and more robust: 285/70 R 19.5. In spite of the larger tyres, the lowered platform height is 875 millimetres (loaded) or 910 millimetres (unloaded) which facilitates easy driving under loads.
The high axle compensation of 680 millimetres also makes driving on uneven surfaces very safe. Moreover, the maximum steering angle of +/- 60 degrees ensures optimal manoeuvrability. Lifting and lowering is carried out with the help of a PPU (Power Pack Unit) from the Z19 series. This is low-emission in accordance
with Stage V. More loading options thanks to the maximum bending moment The highest negative and positive bending moment on the market creates economic flexibility for the operator through additional loading options. This offers particular advantages for products such as tower segments or nacelles (machine housings) that feature high point loads in combination with a high centre of gravity, and those whose centre of gravity lies far outside the support centre as is the case when transporting long goods with the help of swivel bolsters. Furthermore, the K25 L has a 30 per cent higher torsional stiffness compared to similar products which guarantees cornering safety during transport. Innovative braking concept and high level of work safety
EBS ensures enhanced braking performance and a shorter braking distance. Depending on the truck tractor, a diagnosis is possible from the driver's cab. Likewise, connecting to a smartphone is possible. The headlights on each individual bogie provide a further plus in terms of safety. This enables the driver to
comfortably negotiate the route also at night. 3/3 K25 L is multifunctional and versatile The model range of the K25 L series fulfils the requirements of platform vehicles with two to six axles. The vehicles can be combined with goosenecks, drawbars, swivel bolsters, bridges and tower adapters, and used in ambient temperatures reaching minus 25 degrees. Its versatility makes the K25 L the first choice beyond the wind power industry for the construction sector and for the transport of plant and machinery with high centres of gravity.

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