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Pozkrone: Successful as a Krone partner in Poland for 30 years

Pozkrone: Successful as a Krone partner in Poland for 30 years

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alp özler, yılnak,
4 Eylül 2019 Çarşamba - 18:33


Heinrich Kühlmann GmbH & Co. KG, one of Germany's leading delicatessen manufacturers with headquarters in the town of Rietberg, North Rhine-Westphalia, has ordered five premium all-purpose refrigerated boxes from Kögel Trailer. The delicatessen specialist uses these trailers to transport delicatessen salads, antipasti and convenience products for the retail and wholesale trade.


Standard highlights of the Kögel Cool – PurFerro quality

To make the loading and unloading process as quiet as possible, Kögel coolers are fitted with low-noise aluminium floors as standard. In the floor area, the premium refrigerated boxes come with welded aluminium floor pans for increased hygiene and simpler cleaning. The floor pans also prevent moisture from penetrating the load-bearing structures, which significantly increases the service life and cost-effectiveness of the trailer. It goes without saying that the trailer also fulfils the HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points) requirements for safeguarding consumer health with regard to temperature-controlled food transports in international goods traffic. The refrigerated boxes also comply with ATP/FRC requirements. The box bodies of the all-purpose refrigerated version of the Kögel Cool – PurFerro quality trailers are composed of a high-quality, optimised, special foam polymer which has strong insulating properties and is 100-percent CFC-free. The robust, easy-to-maintain steel ceiling layer is also coated with hard PVC film on the inside. The 45-mm-thick walls, 85-mm-thick roof, and 125-mm-thick floor are made by Kögel and ensure a significantly improved thermal transfer coefficient (K-value). This efficient protection against temperature effects reduces energy consumption and cuts costs. The trailers also come with a load-securing certificate as standard, in accordance with EN 12642 Code XL. This shows that they are particularly suitable for the form-locked transport of general cargo and palletised goods. Fitted with standard Kögel KTA trailer axles, the refrigerated box trailers have axle units that are characterised by easy maintenance, excellent tracking and reliability.

Individual Kühlmann equipment

Of course, the Kögel premium all-purpose refrigerated boxes can also be equipped with a wide range of individual options to suit the most varied of requirements in diverse fields of application. When ordering the Kögel Cool – PurFerro quality trailers, Kühlmann requested aluminium rails for multi-level loading built directly into the walls and protected with foam padding. By means of the 12 aluminium rails for multi-level loading on each side wall, another 33 euro pallets can be loaded with 22 corresponding pallet carriers on the second level, which means double the load capacity. For optimum protection of the front wall and the evaporator, as well as for improved airflow, the refrigerated boxes are equipped with the optional Kögel impact bulkhead. This bulkhead, which consists of individual aluminium V-profiles, is not only flexible and easy to dismantle for cleaning, but also provides the best protection, even under the toughest conditions. In addition to a pair of double stainless steel traction rollers, there is a row of rubber protective bumpers on the frame closure panel and a rubber protective strip mounted left and right of the portal frame. Other optional equipment includes a temperature recorder, a fully automatic axle lift on the first axle, a steel lamp carrier, various LED lights and much more.

Kögel Telematics

The refrigerated boxes are also equipped with Kögel Telematics. Thanks to the CoolTrailer telematics package, which combines the PosControl, TrailerControl, EBSControl and TempControl services, the Kögel Trailer telematics module of the Kögel Cool – PurFerro quality refrigerated boxes sends data such as the trailer's position in real time, the coupling status, the EBS data, the room temperature, the refrigeration unit's operating mode, and parameterised setpoints to the Kögel Telematics web portal. What's more, the Kögel Telematics Connectivity database not only allows Kühlmann to display all the data acquired in the Kögel Telematics web portal and other fleet management systems, but also to import it – in real time – into existing processes and a host of software systems.

Cathodic dip-paint coating: lasting protection from corrosion

On Kögel Cool – PurFerro quality trailers, the entire vehicle frame is also provided with long-lasting protection against corrosion by the nano-ceramic and cathodic dip-paint coating, supplemented with a coat of UV varnish.

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