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Karsan Maintained Strong Growth Momentum in 2024!

Karsan Maintained Strong Growth Momentum in 2024!

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alp özler, yılnak,
25 Mart 2024 Pazartesi - 10:09

We Will Be Active In All Ports In Turkey And Have A Share In The European Line

While conveying the services they provide for our readers, Amati Logistics Company Owner Ramazan Uğurlu made his claims by saying that; "We will be active in all ports in Turkey and have a share in the European line." Commenting on the agenda, Uğurlu stated that there is no other option than education to pave the way for the logistics industry for the young generation.

We Will Be Active In All Ports In Turkey And Have A Share In The European Line

Amati Logistics General Manager İhsan Tanrıverdi expressed his views on the consequences of the problems experienced in the Suez Canal.

Starting his words by stating that customer satisfaction is the basis behind their success, Uğurlu said that; “Transparent and devoted information flow is one of the basic elements of increasing our customer portfolio day by day. Another importance of success is revealed by keeping the acquired portfolio.”

“We Provide Container Transportation Services in Ambarlı, Izmit and Gebze”

“We Will Be Active In All Ports In Turkey And Have A Share In The European Route As Well.”

Continuing his speech by talking about the services they provide, Uğurlu said that; “Our company is a logistics company that provides container transportation services to 81 provinces in Ambarlı, Izmit and Gebze ports. In addition, we provide both complete and partial international services on the Asian route. We provide both LCL and FTL services in Asian countries on Azerbaijan, Georgia, Iran, Iraq, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan lines. In the future, we aim to become a company that operates actively in all ports in Turkey and also has a share in the European route. We are currently in the investment evaluation phase. We will put it into operation shortly.”

“We Have 25 Vehicles in Our Fleet”

“The Current Situation and Infrastructure in Turkey is Not Developed Enough to Switch to Electric Vehicles”

Stating that they have a fleet of 25 units, Uğurlu said that; “22 of these are container carrier vehicles with telescopic 20-40-45-foot trailers, and three of them are vehicles with awnings and sliding curtains that we use in domestic and international transportation.” Stating that they have not yet added electric vehicles to their fleet, Uğurlu listed the reasons for this as follows; “I do not think that the current situation and infrastructure in Turkey has developed enough to handle electric vehicle traffic. As you know, logistics is a sector where you need to be fast, quick and active. In my opinion, waiting for a charging station for hours in such a hustle and bustle does not seem very sustainable today. We change our existing infrastructure as today's technology develops and adapt it to today's conditions. Because we know that every company and every person who stays behind the current situation will one day fall behind the development and society.”

Stating that “Shipping is just one of our business activities.”, Uğurlu continued his words as follows; “In addition to transportation, we also have a production factory within the Amati Group. We produce die punches. We also have an office where we sell building materials and a farm where we breed animals.”

“Logistics Courses Are Insufficient Compared to Real Logistics Experience”

“Graduate Students Become a Fish Out of Water When They Start Work”

Expressing his views on high school and university education in the logistics sector, Uğurlu said that; “Logistics is indispensable in today's conditions and I think we should be teaching this to the young generation while they are still young. Logistics courses given in high schools and universities are insufficient compared to real logistics experience, and our young graduates are like fish out of water when they start working in a real logistics company. In fact, they discover in business life where what is taught at school is practically the same but differs in practice. I believe that education will be more useful and of higher quality when both practical and applied knowledge come together.”

“There is No Choice but to Give Opportunities and Training to Young and Exciting Friends in the Sector”

Stating that finding qualified personnel is always a problem for the sector, Uğurlu said that; “The main way to solve this problem is actually through the quality of education given at universities and high schools, and then we can list it further as the staff's feeling of belonging, the value the staff sees in the place they work, etc. After the quality of the education provided during both school and working life, we will be able to train qualified personnel from within ourselves and ensure their continuity in the company, with the value the workplace will give to its personnel. There is no other choice but to give opportunities and training to young and excited friends in the sector.”

“The Change of Route in Suez Caused an Increase in both Transit Time and Freight Charges”

“There Has Been A Serious Volume Decrease In Container Transportation”

Regarding the developments in the Suez Canal, Amati Logistics General Manager İhsan Tanrıverdi said that; “Due to the tension in Suez, all major container transportation companies changed their route to the Cape of Good Hope, which is a safe route. The change of route caused an increase in both transit time and freight charges. This situation will cause the freight rates, which have normalized after the pandemic, to increase again. The number of transports we carry out has also decreased due to the lengthening of transit times and the infrequency of ship arrivals in the ports we work in. When sectoral problems were added to this situation, there has been a serious volume decrease in container transportation. Again, since the increase in transit time will lead to the problem of empty equipment, an increase in export freight can be predicted.”



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