Doğruer has stated that many companies now face bankruptcy due to the latest economic developments and indicated that Doğruer Nakliyat is in a relatively "good" position thanks to its warehousing business.
"The Solution Is Ensuring the Balance of Exports and Imports"
Yahya Doğruer has indicated that 50% of companies that offer overseas transportation can't return with anything on their way back to the country and that they can't bring in any goods from abroad. He has warned that if this persists, half the companies in the sector may come to the point of bankruptcy. Doğruer has also stated that aside from transportation, Doğruer Nakliyat also offers warehousing services and that has provided them a partial relief but emphasized that companies that only offer transportation services face much more difficult economic conditions. In his answer to MY TRUCK Magazine's Editor in Chief Nuray Pekcan's question of how to solve these issues in these conditions, Doğruer has stated that the solution is achieving the balance of export and import, stabilisation of currency rates and recovery of the economy.
"We May Have to Take Measures"
Nuray Pekcan has stated that she found Yahya Doğruer chatting with his drivers when she entered Doğruer Nakliyat and asked him: "It seems as if you are more like friends with them rather than having a boss-employee relationship." Doğruer answered: "We're on the same ship with our drivers. We need to win so that they can win as well. But if we lose, they will lose as well. So far, we have always paid their salaries on time. As Doğruer Nakliyat, we have never let go of any employee. However, I don't know how much that will continue under these circumstances. If the sector continues like this, we will be forced to take measures."
"We Expect Our Drivers to Spend Our Money Just as If Their Own"
"Our drivers in Turkey are informed and trained. For example, our drivers can start a journey here and find a village all the way in Germany. This is an indicator of intelligence and skill. Not every country's driver can do that. We try to pay financially satisfactory fees to our drivers. It is time to make cuts right now. We're going through an economically difficult time. Still, we're paying for the repairs as well as the salaries of our drivers over foreign currency. We want them to watch out for us and spend the money carefully. They have to spend our money just as if their own. This is both for their and our sake."
"Visa Is the Biggest Issue"
"We have to pay for each dozvola. We also have to pay for the C Authorization Document. We are required to pay 80 Euro per visa. We pay for a lot of transit fees abroad. We have major issues with especially the visas. The transportation sector is the driving force of the economy. The scales of export and import go through us. We expect our government to make things easier for us in terms of taxes."
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