From its design to production, the KİRPİ product range is a fully domestic and national vehicle. From Northern Iraq to Syria, these vehicles take position in every location that Turkish soldiers deploy.
BMC Board Member Taha Yasin Öztürk has talked about the domestic and foreign achievements of the KİRPİ line-up by saying: "We've designed the KİRPİ product family upon special request from the Turkish Armed Forces. As they are used in different scenarios like personnel carrier, combat vehicle, ambulance, command and control vehicle and load carrier, these vehicles take position in every location that Turkish soldiers deploy. Moreover, they are used not just in Turkey but also friendly and ally countries like Tunisia, Turkmenistan and Qatar. KİRPİ has proven itself by safely mobilising troops in assaults, combats and operations in both domestic and abroad. As Turkey's domestic and national brand BMC, we are proud to be the manufacturer of the KİRPİ product range, one of the most important secure troop deployment vehicles that offers high levels of protection."
Küfür, hakaret içeren; dil, din, ırk ayrımı yapan; yasalara aykırı ifade ve beyanda bulunan ve tamamı büyük harflerle yazılan yorumlar yayınlanmayacaktır. Neleri kabul ediyorum: IP adresimin kaydedileceğini, adli makamlarca istenmesi durumunda ip adresimin yetkililerle paylaşılacağını, yazılan yorumların sorumluluğunun tarafıma ait olduğunu, yazımın, yetkililerce, fikrim sorulmaksızın yayından kaldırılabileceğini bu siteye girdiğim andan itibaren kabul etmiş sayılırım. |